I'm just gonna say it. The Night Elf Heritage Armour set is bad

I’m talking about the one featured on Wowhead.

Now, I know it isn’t entirely finished. But it might as well be. I doubt they’re making radical changes before pushing it live in a few weeks.

Here’s the problem, as I see it:

  • The set is trying to be a Warrior set, a Hunter set, a Priest set, and a Druid set all at once. I know it’s meant to encapsulate the “Night Elf” look, but these are different classes with vastly different styles, even among Night Elves. Their Warriors tend to wear silvery armour in the toughest of metals, while their Druids live very close to nature and look like they’re part of the land. Priests dwell in temples of Elune, and look very aloof in fine garments and jewellry. Hunters are somewhere in-between, I suppose. But closer to the Druids than anything else, being the agile woodland rangers that they are. Most Heritage sets at least went all in with one theme, which I think is a better approach. Even if that left some players disappointed, it at least fulfilled some players’ fantasy. The Human set, for example, is definitely a Footman (albeit with some Varian Wrynn thrown in there).
  • The set looks way too busy. It has plate, it has leather, it has cloth, it has mail. It’s got some kind of antler thing going on, some kind of odd forehead protection which I assume is inspired by a priestess’ tiara, feathers, and so on. I’m not saying any of this looks ugly, because they’re kind of nicely designed and well-made. It’s just that they come together to form a very busy whole. Each of these elements would have worked better alone, as their own sets.
  • It doesn’t really nail any of the iconic Night Elf armour sets from any of the games, cinematics, or artworks, does it? It’s way clumsier than what the Classic trailer Night Elf is wearing, it doesn’t really look like any of the iconic characters from either version of Warcraft III, and I’m not really seeing Malfurion, Tyrande, or Illidan in there.
  • I’m not sure which transmog I’m supposed to replace with this. It’s doesn’t look nature-inspired enough for my Druids or Hunters, nor flexible or practical for running around a forest. It’s way underdressed for my Warrior, and way overdressed for my Priest. The shoes are basically sandals or some type of leathery strap, which makes me believe they’re meant for sneaking around among the trees. But a bunch of other pieces are colossal and made from metal, which ruins the point of those nimble shoes. If I don’t trip and fall from that huge loin cloth, I might just poke my eyes out on the shoulder pads as I take aim with my bow.

Let me be clear: the art itself isn’t bad, and I’m not trying to rip on the artist who made this. Sorry if it seems that way. It’s just that the identity of the set is a jumbled mess, and I don’t see myself using this set. Some individual pieces may fit into other transmog sets, which is good. But overall it’s a wasted opportunity.

Hopefully, the speculated 10.2 Emerald Dream patch brings some good Night Elf-like transmog options to make up for all of this.


I like it. Compared to the Blood Elf version its practically a master piece.

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The set is trying to look like the Night elf we all saw from the first Warcraft classic opening cinematic I think…

But they really should have given males a separate set xD what the hell. It looks way better on a female than a male night elf.

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I really like it so far. I’m glad they had the balls to go with something traditionally skimpy.


You try to google some ‘‘Male night elf concept art’’ And almost nothing shows up…

In classic wow female night elves where the front and center represantation of the Night elven race.

If we where to give the males their unique set. It would probably look more druidic and robed looking. I imagine something thats in between, That can be usable for all Night elves classes not just robed druids. But still Night elf looking.

Showing your abs and legs is skimpy?

Loas… finding male night elf art in Night elf looks is proving to be really hard xD Without resorting to AI art…

But basically I imagine their set to use Malfurion’s appearance as reference. Leather and fur armor basically. Leather pouches and bags. Bear fur around their waist. That sorta thing.

I quite like it but I hope there’s an alternative version for body 1.

If that’s what you wear to church, more power to you

As a huge nightelf fan, and maining nelf since I started playing(2006), I find the set very good. It will look perfect on my hunter.

I am loving their efforts here, and feel they have captured the nelf theme really well.

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Should have been a hoodie ontop.

Why does Blizzard hate hoodies. Imagine a WoW hoodie that kept your hairstyle underneath like Sylvanas got.

They’ve started selling hoodie capes every month at the trading post. I have bought every single one. My nelf hunter is wearing the pink/purple one, and my druid is currently using the grey one from the goblin event. I think they are starting to get the point…

I do want more hoodie variations tho!

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No, it’s just that in my days we used to refer to bosoms and buttocks when we used the word skimpy. Not muscles and knees.

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Shoulders are bit too big, rest is great.

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I am happy that you are happy.

I am less happy for your Hunter, which is never going to be able to successfully stalk its prey again.

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I think night elf is the second coolest race in wow after orc, and I think this set is already ok despite being far from completed. However, I’m sure there will be more night elf themed stuff in the trading post though

You are the kind of person HR had to send a notice to about what is and isn’t appropriate wear in the office

I think its pretty ugly. Then again i also think the night elf aesthetic is ugly.
But id say they captured night elves pretty well with that set. Even if i think it sucks.

There is always the warfront sets from bfa if you want alternative night elf armor though

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