Im loosing it

I m really sick of this lazy blizzard aproach to balance page of the game… why they gut to the ground fury and then give a tiny poopy buffs that in general means nothing! why they let some spec above the gods and some are not even touched or they are touched but completely worng way and misspointed… It literaly looks like there is someone who have no clue about classes in general and its: "Eeny, meeny, miny , moe " style of balance… Dear blizzard u can have such a great feedback from players u have data and yet still u r completely wrong.
Fury warriors shouting for rampage buffs for ages and u do exactly opposite u buff builders (oka maybe 10% rampage but that is completely laughable)
u promised rework and we had replaced 3 nodes instead!
U completely playing with warriors community bad rly bad game… and i dont understand why… and why u just dont outcommunicate situation is biggest mistery to me…

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Tbf I can’t even keep up with the actual numbers of damage that abilities should do, even if I would simplify the check to simply reading tooltip. Everything works differently in pvp combat, and most tooltips update only once you in arena for example.

Whats my issue here? I can’t even check PvP values even if I got warmode on, till I touch a dummy, and even then, hitting dummy gives me the unnerfd overpower buff for example. Whats the point of PvP dummy when they can’t even get that sorted out to work properly as intended, coz they do not, not even close, and everyone knows, laughable.

Blizzard is sadly just laughable, devs knowing nothing about the game, they do not play the game, they do random changes. All they care about is to make sure Female & Male option at barber shop is properly renamed in every possible case to Body type 1 & body type 2.

All this woke propaganda keeps ruining games, and its tireless on its pursuit of not misgendering stuff. And sadly this keeps blizzard attention at like 99%. They hire clueless devs, fake videos that these devs playing their games. Prolly 90% of devs rn got blue hair.

They really be trying to hide the drama from past, but truth is gamers do not care about all this, not at all, if game was good, noone would talk or care bout this, noone. As bad as it is, truth is that they could do most vile things, noone would care if the game was 10/10.

All that rant reminded me of, “Apex Predator” title in D4. They changed “Predator” to “Enemy”. Imagine prioritizing this petty things cause they want to be “correct”. All that D4 drama at start of how bad game is and all they care for is to change PREDATOR to ENEMY XD


It’s to make people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up. Then they can nerf that one into the ground - So people roll another class/spec… waste time gearing that up…


It literally took me 1 evening to gear my mage to 609 starting from crap timewalking leveling gear and low ilvl DF gear, it’s even easier with the anniversary ongoing.

So this argument is not really relevant.

but relevant is why would you switch all the time cause of lazyness to do good job in department and take care bout your products .) and make ppl happy (especialy when they pay for that) good balance=happy ppl… well i think 20years of wow experience is still somehow small amount of years to see it clearly…And they lied to us with rework… cause they did nothing and thats reason why we are faced in dirt… we cant catch up with modernized classes and specs … we are literaly walking dinosaurs in wow…