I'm LVL 80 and impossible to valid and finish this quest: [After the Storm]


I’m LVL 80 and impossible to valid and finish this quest: [After the Storm].
Please can you tell me if a bug ?
If it’s a bug please can fix it ?
In advance a great thanks.

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Maybe try to explain what you mean. What did you try to do in the quest and how did it not work.

same here, cannot find the stormriders to assist to finish the quest.
The map point at the the exact spot, but nothing there

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That is for sure a bug. Please make sure to also report it ingame, because the devs have it in their system that way.

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Hello yes I reported this bug in game two times and now I wait but I’m not the only one player…
If it’s not a mistake from me before the upgrade from wednesday this quest worked nice but not since this wednesday…
Thanks and good game.

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Pretty sure it’s a bug. I also remember it working before.

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