Even though I tried to get anniversary Tokens to buy the T2 revamped sets, the pace I’m getting them makes me believe, I will be lucky if by 8th of January I managed to buy 3 tier sets.
My preferred method is: Chromie time and TW.
I don’t like, having to go through the LFG tool to get into a group to kill the 3 outdoor bosses for example. The only time I managed to get it done was because I was fortunate enough to find a group of players that were farming it, after I spotted them, while on my flying mount.
With this in mind, I though perhaps it’s better to give up on the T2 sets that can be attained in the legacy raids, even though they are low resolution and instead, buy the DK, Monk and DH sets. All classes that weren’t available at the time those raids were created.
I would include the Evoker set, but I don’t have one at the moment.
Have you been doing the Secrets questline from Alyx? Those give a lot of tokens, especially if you do the crates from the board next to her too
Once you’re past 100 tokens, the process speeds up quite a bit. Personally I find the lfg finder ideal with the bosses, it’s quick and painless (ok, the dragons are a pain in the bum ).
How?! You are lvl 80, so you have TWW and TWW throws the tokens at you in masses; do the zone weeklies and the locked special WQs; got enough Tokens to buy all sets in two weeks.
PS: Oh, and kill Ansurek in LFR - drops 15 Tokens as well.
Tbh I only managed to get to level 80 after the 20th anniversary came. In regards to the War within content, I haven’t got past the first few quests. Assuming that world quests are unlocked after you done enough quests regarding the story line, I don’t think that path is available for me at the moment.
A bit like the last time I tried to do the story line in BFA. Only after my BE Paladin, from another account completed a set of quests in the Zandalari story line, the world quests became available. Those world quests weren’t available in this account because I leveled the characters only through LFD.
Don’t sweat it too much. Once you’ve bought 1 set, the second one sells for 40 and the third just 20 (stays at 20).
Furthermore after you’ve collected 100 tokens, the game unlocks more tokens for you and you basically get tokens for almost every weekly quest you do. You get showered with tokens at that point.
Then do the TWW leveling campaign; doesn’t take too long and you’ve got all the stuff unlocked; if you don’t read quest texts you’ll be done in a few hours. Better than missing out on the sets.
I don’t have TWW and you can easily do it without it, it’s just a bit more slow, in case you prefer to skip TWW Amazoner. LFR BRD is easy enough, I don’t know if you have tried that? Before the 100 token thing kicks in it’s just the weekly (one character per account) but after that any character can loot tokens from the bosses. So basically you want to try get to those 100, after that everything you enjoy doing will give you a steady amount of tokens
I agree. To clarify I’ve been leveling 26 Horde characters at the same time since the beginning, to enjoy that sweet rest bonus the characters get after they are not played for a couple of days. They are all now on level 80 thanks to the 20th Anniversary TW event. I’m currently leveling 4 Alliance characters as well, but that will have to wait.
I will start doing the quests from THe War Within expansion with my 1st DH since all of his gear is based on speed bonus.
Don’t waste your time with the weeky quests from the anniversary faire (~3 tokens per quest). Do the normal weekly quests from TWW (10 daily quests, Awakening the machine, PvP weekly, LFR Ansurek, Theatre etc.). Those give you 8-15 tokens per quest. You can easily get 60 tokens once a week in less than two hours.
I think exactly the same. If I could only pick one set that would be the one: Judgement set.
I watched the YouTube guide before and was overwhelmed with the information and gave up but I’ve just went through the last 2 bosses in BRD, following your advice.
It was really strange playing a raid with a low level character:
However the repairs were cheap and the commands were a lot simpler.
I still have a low level Human paladin, NE Druid and NE Hunter to test it out.