Make sure you completed that Siege of Boralus quest. I for one have it in my log since release, and today when I wanted to embark on Kul Tirans unlock, I was in the same position as you, only to realize I never did SoB on that character.
I think you get SoB AFTER doing Pride of Kul Tiras.
Pride of Kul Tiras is actually from the end of quite a long quest chain. This quest chain is the one where you locate where Jaina as been imprisoned and help free her. So if you have quests in your log regarding Jaina’s imprisonment then those are the ones you need to do. There are several dungeons involved in the questline. Once you have got Pride of Kul Tiras done, you are sent to Seige of Boralus after which you get the quick hand in quest that grants A Nation United.
Another pointer, don’t expect the (Kul Tiran unlock chain) quest to pop in your objective tracker.
Go to Stormwind Embassy near the cata portals. Quest is gonna be there if you’ve completed the required things.