I'm so angry at seal twisting

I spent 8 months enjoying the game, was excited for the opening of BRM and then boom, seal twisting added. Ruined everything for me, i have 0 interest in playing now, because if i have to look at swing timer and add another seal to my rotation to be able to play i rather kick rocks. So yeah i really hate whover did this to ret.


May we have your gold ?

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Then play your exospam gameplay and stop being a crybaby ?

They have litteraly made a weapon just for you (AGAIN) and they’ve buffed AoW to remain viable but not OP like today

What could you possibly want more ?!

Because playing at the 90-95 log ranking is what is fun, being forced into twisting to min/max is not fun.

Just let us keep the SoD play style and remove the TBC playstyle.

well yeah, i am sure this seal twisting is no fun but hey, on the other hand you still don’t really deal any damage either.


Yea wtf blizz, seal twisting is an unfun forced playstyle.

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I admire the persistance on this issue lol. Feels like years since we talked about it last

Yeah it happens when a piece of important gameplay is a hated gimmick (see world buffs)

Seal twisting was a unique feature in Classic and TBC that separated the good ret paladins from the bad. If you don’t want to seal twist to do good damage then you’re probably better of playing Cata or a Wrath private server.


seal twisting was only viable in the old vanilla game because paladins had literally 0 attacks to put on top of their seals.
not even crusader strike.

now that paladins have an actual skill set, i imagine it sucks being forced to seal twist.


Nothing hard or skilled about seal twisting mate. It’s just a debilitating playstyle that ret found because there was nothing else to do. SoD gave us one of the most dynamic gameplay with fast 2 handers and proc exo, a kind of classic ret wet dream. And you actually asked for the old, boring, unintended gameplay. Stockholm syndrom at its best.


Theres literally a 6 piece set and a weapon that buffs non seal twisting.

Im pretty sure at max gear the non seal twisting does only 10% less single target damage but does more AoE damage than Twisting build.

Never asked for it. Don’t even play ret. No clue how you got any of that from what I said, you just made up something to argue against. And even if seal twisting didn’t require skill, you could clearly see which paladins bothered doing it by looking at the meters. But I do know people who enjoyed seal twisting and dislike what they did with ret in SoD, so maybe go play Cata instead if you hate it so much, I heard it even has more players than SaD.

No idea why it took you 4 months to reply, but we’re in a position where you can play Ret in THREE different ways and they are relatively equal in DPS output, so for once be grateful that you have these options until blizzard blunders with next runes/sets/balance.
Now a Shockadin PvE buff on the other hand would be grandiose :wink:

Because I don’t play SoD anymore, so I don’t care much about these things, especially since I don’t play ret, like I just mentioned. :wink: I just logged in to look at anniversary posts and saw I had some old replies.

I agre that the best you can do is to use a flaw in the system.
I think it was cool thou that they aded it as a bonus on T1, but still whit it working as it did before you will newer be able to balance things and sertenly not in pvp.
Paladin can get out alot of damage fast but then or do 0 for a few seconds. Whit twisting you burst even more and that makes so we have to stay in the 0 hapening for a few sec.

So you are just a bad person and not checking dates and just necroing stuff because “Lulz”

Such weird people

Berny still around ?!?!


yeah, he and his socialist supporters invaded orgrimmar last night :sunglasses:
he even waved at me. :call_me_hand:

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But did wavé wave at you?