I'm so tired of premades

Whatever, I have no clue what all that even means.

If you think what I’m doing is flaming and raging then I have a bridge to sell you.

Now I’m curious. Who is going to teach me what? A lvl 20 priest that’s so proud of his mains behaviour that he gets triggered here? Yeah I’ll pass from your lesson thanks.

Pls explain to me how groupsyncing is more accurate when only 5 man is allowed? And if it’s really the accurate way of playing, then why do you people leave when it’s premade VS premade?? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate way of accurate playing the game?? Yet soon as face another premade you leave? soon as a bunch of randoms wipes the floor with you in the first fight, you leave? Meanwhile everyone knows the point of premade is to play with zero challenge.

I think you confuse me with someone who cares what a community of cheaters think of him or laugh at.
Also here in the real world were doing the same at you. We are laughing our heads off at how people are running cheating premades every day for 16hours or more… in an unranked game mode with no real meaningfull rewards. And then come here to roleplay as action stars and bad movie villains lol


I mean, its quite funny how you felt that you had to lie that you didnt play in sync-premades to try to validate yourself in a better way.
So its quite honestly both pathetic but also laughable that people, such as yourself, needs pre-sync premades to pretend that you are good. Simple facts. :+1:


So many people here are fed up with queue syncers and want them gone. The syncers only get to do this because blizz made it easy to exploit their queue system. I want the developers to step in and enforce their rules properly. Group syncing really is cringe and I am allowed to say this just as you are allowed to ask for a healer nerf.


If it takes 5 dps to kill a healer, then theres something wrong with those dps. Just saying.


Permanently ban the streamers and anyone participating in this. The streamers are not a net positive when they’re actively ruining gameplay.


It’s very brave of you to speak out for the sync premades, as an insider. It’s a step up from mass panicking and mass reporting.

I hope that the next step will be to use your in-game sync premade name, not some lvl 20 alt. That will be even braver.

I don’t mean this as an insult. I know you are all very sensitive. It’s a friendly advice.


The guy is from Fado prem, one of his minions :rofl: its not hard to find his alts/main on seramate. Funny that he is trying to hide himself

Oh, the copy-paste gang.

I’m not interested in who this is. I want to help them all defend themselves because reporting anyone who slightly hurts your feelings is not going to work in life. It’s the online version of “I’m telling mommy”. It’s better to learn how to talk back, and doing so anonymously will most likely backfire.

He finally noticed and started to hide his alts, but there are other websites where every premade enjoyer in hiding can be seen, hehe. For someone who doesn’t give a damn, he peeks in here very often.
How are the CS go boosts selling lil bro?


Or his other little horde druid which I suspect his RBG rating wasnt acquired in a good way :wink:

Premades are so ubiquitous in BGs that they even form premades to all spam the forums together as a group about how poggers it is to play with “”“friends”“”


I mean, there are ppl who believe adding random ppl to their FB friendlist is what defines friendship so. Some ppl are just rly rly loose with the word “friend”. ^^


Queue sync is an exploit, which is bannable, you’re encouraging people to cheat


No one likes que syncers

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Who asked
/10 char

Well, there’s less left for classic cataclysm.

4 x Taz in a row in av.

4 x 3 min tops. O the fun.

This destroys casual pvp , at least 4 me.

So you’re salty that got blitzed and decided to post about it on all threads looking for emotional support? Alterac Valley can be blitzed. Some people decide to run it that way. I’ve did it without a premade, just seeing that we had a good team composition, asked for lead and directed the zug zug train.

For every strategy that works, there’s an opposing strategy to stop it. Find that and use it. If Alterac Valley wasn’t supposed to be blitz-able, they wouldn’t have attached an achievement to that.

O please, spare me the sarcasm.

Let me guess, u r part of his group.

Ashtray and winterfail are also over in 5 min. i dont sit in 30 min Qs for that crap.

It does not matter what u do and thats the point, defend, block em, stratwise
they counter u every time. You can list the hord team a-z and screenshot it, he
runs with 75% same people every time. THAT bothers me, cause theres a voice
com attached then as well.

And what if i post on every thread this is discusesd, whats it to you?

Btw av blits is max 6 min, 3 min is a roflstomp and just bad game design.

So they winning by using a better strategy is bad. Please stop embarassing yourself.

It’s nothing to me, it just shows your true colours, as being a whiny person, just complaining, instead of trying every solution to give their team an advantage.

Also, I see your account is less than two months old, I’m wondering who’s actually hiding behind this name.