I'm taking my leaf

There are ways to deal with harassment Grrimmwar, use the tools that are provided. Forgive me being blunt, but if you were at work and were being bullied/harassed would you stand in the middle of the factory/office/shop shouting at everyone, or would you go through another channel like HR or Managment to resolve the issue?


And leave yourself wide open to a lawsuit go for it .

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Alright, I think I’m just about done with this. I really wanted for us to be on good terms, but that’s just toxic beyond all reason.

Saying an organisation tried and failed to help is not the same as saying everyone in that organisation are awful people. It’s inaccurate on three levels. That’s a disgusting thing to think and so far from what I said I honestly expect an apology for even suggesting I said that.

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So much drama. But it’s still not enough, please gimme MORE.


Seeing what community it is about I’m not surprised :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you ought to word things better because you are the only toxic one here saying negative things about FF and how sign ups work .
I will not offer an apology at all as all i said i was hurt how is that toxic ?

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to be fair Ishayoe is not the first person who is criticizing how the sign ups work and if someone has a better idea on how to handle it, I’m all ears.

I mean literally, I’m playing an elf, I’m all ears.


I thought it was convoluted. If calling a sign-up process convoluted equals saying everyone is bad in your mind… I mean I don’t even know how to complete that sentence. Holy hell.

I think I’ve been told I’ve overcomplicated a raid strategy like 30 times this tier alone. Should I also think everyone in my guild wants to hurt me because I was told that?

Hahaha xD

Maybe it’s changed since then. I can take a look at it and see what I can come up with next time you issue an Alliance invitation.

So to call me toxic is fine because i said i was hurt okey then maybe we shouldnt speak anymore at your request thank you.

You didn’t just say you were hurt, you said I said everyone in Fortune Favored are genuinely horrible people. I’m furious at that accusation.

It’s not like it’s easy to fix General Discussions anyway, and I only mentioned it because it was core to the OP’s message.

How about I personally give you back a small sample of your own medicine ? I insist! It’s free !

You are making a good job at looking like some clown too with your unwarranted comment to TS !

Do not insult the man while he/she(?) is left/leaving and doesn’t deserves it ! TS, I have always enjoyed your post and talking in the classic forum , take good care of You and when You feel like it, come back !- Rain


Just like i am at you for calling me toxic so we are done .

Have you guys heard of using the ignore function on the forums, I heard it’s very good for not seeing peoples posts.


What on earth is going in this thread, I assume this is some sort of roleplayer drama?

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Can’t ignore Daestra. Profile is hidden, ignore button is on profile.

You can manually add her in your settings under prefferences.
Will post a gyazo in a sec.

As you can tell my ignore list is very extensive /s

You can ignore people on your own profile by typing their names


Sometimes I just sit back, lurk and heart. People be crazy, communities always have drama and I’ve learnt just casually wading through is the better option. It always ends up the same. Always. Swims along


Yes, you can. On your profile - preferences - users - add the name


Ah, thanks. Never thought I’d do that. I generally don’t. Seriously peeved about that one though.