I'm too much in love with the trading post to quit xd

Edit: I was emotional at that moment, I won’t quit -.-
I was kinda hyped about Dragonflight, but getting more and more to end-game, and trying to minmax, I see now how much it costs to buy enchants/gems, and I think it’s just disgustingly pay2win, and I don’t like this due to the wow token being in the game.

It always used to be pay2win through boosts/boes, but now, it’s pay2win to a point, where you really have to pay to compete. I thought this type of degeneracy was over after legendaries disappeared, but surprise: I was wrong sadly, but it is what it is…

Now the Meta issue, that sucked my enjoyment out of Dragonflight:
Seeing Fire Mages being completely garbage in every type of content, not just regarding numbers, but also regarding playstyle, I decided to reroll to another caster with a lot of resentment, but I accepted it.

However, my main content is solo shuffle due to its casual nature, and playing a caster there is just not fun anymore. Being permanently interrupted, and having 100% uptime warriors/dhs/dks on me is not fun at all. Not in the slightest


Just because you refuse to make gold doesn’t make a game p2w.


With all due respect, even a single gathering profession can cover the cost of the consumables without accounting the various vendortrash etc

I understand the feelings about meleecraft PvP though. Sadly PvP is not a strong point of this game


6k gold enchants? (Was a typo)

My most expensive enchant is 11k now unless the prices changed
brb checking the AH
Q3 sophic devotion now for less than 10k
I can make 10k or more in one session of mining lasting about an hour without going crazy


Mining up a node can yield me 10 ore, possibly 6-10 rousing order or earth fire etc. possibly have khaz ore in it so quite quickly this stacks up gold…. Pick up a prof like BS… get tips. Resourcefulness proccing and getting 6-7 alloys to sell ontop… gold gold gold… 🫡

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Plus a lot of people still hate fishing but want fish so one can also do that

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Ever considered the wonderfull thing called “barter trade”?
I mean, Humanity discovered it around 10K ago and used it quite sucessfully
Since it is an MMORPG not a Solo game, but even if you want play solo, having friends or a guild helps too
I will give you my enchanter friend/guildy gathered materials, please make me enchants from them, keep the change

A CTA bag from LFR/LFD has 3 runes average, which sell for 2.4k a piece instantly. As for the enchants and whatnot: the gold goes to other players, meaning at least some of the professions are profitable.
So if they can make gold with it, so could you. I heard putting stuff in the auction house is a good way to make gold.

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I cant even ask your gold…

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But the money, that I would spend to buy a token, goes to blizzard -.- Even if they convert it to bnet balance, they take a huge tax on it, so no: It is directly pay2win, whether you like it or not :man_shrugging: I have 80 gold on me currently. Sure, I could farm gold, even though I don’t enjoy it, but it’s so slow, and I have better things to do in the end :+1:

With mining you can make 20k gold/h easy…

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What you described has nothing to do with P2W. The original definition is when some OP items are ONLY available through microtransactions, and was later expanded to include freemium or pay to progress type of games like world of tanks.

Boosting is possible in literally every MMO so by your definition they’re all p2w. (Even before the token, you could buy these things from others so the only thing it changed was to allow blizzard to take a slice of the cake).


It became p2w as soon as the token was in the game, whenever this happened (idk when).

So lost ark isn’t pay2win, bc you can grind 10000 hours instead of paying? You seem to be very naive :sunny: Whatever, hf, you shall enjoy wow, as I did before I decided to quit

No, it didn’t, no matter how many times you repeat this. If you consider “winning” to acquire bis items for cash then it was possible long before tokens.

Goodbye, hope you find more drama…err, fun, elsewhere.

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Oh please!
He will be back in a week or even sooner, maybe hiding behind and alt
But he will be back… or never even leave
They never do
Spotlight and five minute fame on the forum beliving anyone cares or interested about their reason for ‘quiting’, and big words, then they quietly crawl back or not even go away in the first place
Not even a storm in a cup
His kind thrives on drama


Games pay to win because I don’t have any gold.

Game is trash because for once fire mage isn’t top.

Game is stupid because other players beat me in pvp.

Is that the jist of it?



Silver linings and all that!

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Can I have your gold please?
Oh… wait, nevermind…


too long; didnt read.

sounds like youre complaining about fimage being not being at the top and being sub-optimal at pvp.

here’s three simple solutions, either get better, change your spec, or change the type of content you’re doing.
i dont like to defend blizzard given their current circumstance, but it’s not blizz’s fault youre not very good at solo shuffle

i’m playing frost mage and still pumping decent numbers because i havent given up before i hit level 70… :eyes:

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