[Imagination] Cinematic of the Last Wow Expansion


I believe that the last expansion will be about the ultimate war between The light forces and Void.

I always imagined the last cinematic as a gigantic epic battle that happened million years ago between Voidlords, almost endless armies of old gods n faceless one and similar horrific creatures vs Narru and some shining humanoid like creatures with glowing armor and big hammers on the moon like planet and then there is a scene skip where voidlords are manifestating to “psysical” form in the present time.

What is your imagination bout last xpack.

I really wish there was no last expansion and that they would just write about fantasy races bashing eachother on the head for millenia to come.


Cinematic of last expansion: Void wins, consumes everything, and all becomes nothing, and from that nothing everything is reborn again, nature of existence is cyclical after all as it was hinted with argus and aleria in that audio book. Either that or we find out we are FIrst ones, time is not linear after all, Maybe in future we as player characters become so godlike that we transcend death and reality and create all so it can create us a perfect cycle.

As far as I’m aware, we still don’t actually know what happens to a planet, when its resident titan spirit wakes up…

Sooo Azeroth wakes up, and the planet explodes, we all die, the end.

I’m sure this won’t happen so my slightly more serious prediction would be something to do with us Azerothians, after having fend off all major cosmic entities, Azeroth herself wakes up (without exploding the planet) and swears to forever protect our world, even from other titans, and we essentially become the centre of a balanced universe, where no cosmic force tries to take over the other… And everyone lived happily ever after, the end. Oh and Kadghar is now a stand up comedian, live every Saturday night on the Dalaran Arcane Theatre. Or until some timey whimey nonsense happens and resets the entire timeline, and tadaaa wow 2 happens.

Whatever they go for, I’m sure it will be some silly waltdisneyesque, we won, cosmic throne room vibe. :woozy_face:

Party pooper take: There is no such thing as a “last wow expansion”. A flagship product with a well established brand like WoW doesnt just end because it has reached some sort of story endpoint. Warcraft isnt story in the same sense like a book. There is no beginning, no middle and no end. Its a setting that will continue as long as the product sells. So if he happen to get our big Light vs Void expansion and the game still runs strong, it wont be the end. There will simply come a new expansion.

In that sense, the story aspect to WoW´s last xpack is irrelevant, because it could by anything, really. Its just whatever currently runs when the Suits decide this product is no longer profitable and production of content stops.

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You wake up in Northshire Abbey (1st person view), one of the priests comes over and says you’ve been in a coma for 20 years. You tell them a recollection of events of how you were a cow person and killed aliens with chin tentacles on another planet. The priest laughs at you but, still attentively listens to your tale in a respectful manner. After some time he excuses himself and then proceeds to talk to one of the orderlies in a concerned tone. Who then comes over and anesthetises you before you have time to react.

The screen fades to black and you awake to find yourself in the asylum wing of the Stockades. You’re in straightjacket restraints and shackled to the cell wall with little slack in the chains. You’re vision still blurred, you can just about make out one of the guards signing a document next to a shaded figure as you slowly recover your senses. The voice sounds strangely familiar as the shade of this individual slowly focuses into view. The individual introduces themselves as Dr. Theolen Krastinov and explains how he’s here to help you. He tells you has a faciality, “…a school of medicine” up in Lordaeron where he and his colleagues can better understand your condition. He has just signed your transfer papers presenting you with the document still in his grasp.

The camera switches to 3rd person and slowly pans away from you and the cell. The image of the good doctor and the guard obscuring the view of your character. Your pleas for help masked by the incomprehensible chatter of your fellow inmates as the cinematic slowly fades to black.


I could hardly imagine the last expansion being about an “ultimate battle between the Light and the Void”, for 2 reasons especially :
1- Neither Light nor Void forces are inherently tied to one faction or the other. Thus such cosmic battle would completely put aside the dual faction opposition, which would be weird considering this opposition is at the heart of WoW
2- As much as Void is depicted as evil incarnate in Chronicle 1, the fact is that life originated from the clash between the two polarized forces. “We” are literaly the product of their interaction - Light alone is not a power of creation. We’re the children of both. Considering this, a final fight between the two with a winner and a loser with be quite twisted philosophically

It’s an ongoing story. It continues as long as it sells enough to justify a development staff. If it ever ends it won’t be because the story has reached it’s finale, so whatever was happening when the decision to kill the game was made, would be the final story. And that could really be anything.

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