Imagine, if you could slowly build over several expansions?

It all sounds nice and whatnot, but let us be real - At the current time Blizzard may use two excuses 1. Tech is not there yet for such amazing deep project with soul and variety bringing spice in life.
2. That is too much of what consumers actually want.

Sadly, i fear that your post may have been in vain and shall be driven to the abbys of awesome forum topics with suggestions that would compliment game to the fullest and expand on what it is currently.

These are all so dope ideas man


Sounds like what garrisons should’ve been. Good ideas though.


Thanks man. if you like it , hit like, you never know what they might do.

I agree it is unlikely, since they seemed to have stopped showing this sort of deep project commitment.

However if they just think on it for a moment, it’s exactly the sort of thing wow needs, you need both long term and short term (patch/expansion) objectives to do. Sadly, wow is only short term, with a soft reset every new patch, and one every expansion, you can literally log on, play for a month, wait til lnext patch or next expansion, repeat rinse.

They have no way of stabilising subs to endure the long haul, because players have little incentive to play over long periods - and they’ve got the gear vs interest metrics all down to a tee - but fillers like this can be a great source of revenue.

If people really like this, and they do it well integerating it well butwith it’s long term feel, I would say it is worth doing.

Something that is centred around the character,but based on his identity of his race that has so much character in wow, not tomention the capitals which eberyone yearns to see/have more, or at least a use for, a way to improve, reason to spend sometime there etc.

it’s a huge wish fulfilment, definitely worth it. But would they see it that way?

If enough people like it then who knows.


I mentioned this not so long ago… would be nice to see cities rebuilt with the players coming together to work on it via professions and things.


Ooh I remember I think. There was a bit about the gathering quest thing. Like for wood and other materials ?


It was this thread:


IMO they won’t do it, too many resources involved when they can just make you play the same 20 dailies for 2 years.

Would it be great? Yes, of course, but this is a publicly traded company, it cares for money and not innovation.

Maybe some smaller developer will read this and implement it into a new game. There’s hoping.


I like the different ideas, however I really dislike housing.

Please don’t bring housing to Wow! It seems fun but it will divide people even more.

Remember garrisons? Well please don’t make the same mistakes.

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There is such a desire also to build up stuff, and restore stuff, but also see racial story progression that is not just centred on a few big characters.

This really allows htem to do all these things, but in a way that is both feasible to implement but also rewarding and engaging - most of all, long term rewards.

It’s also a bit of an uplift on the game, so many areas are devasted due tot massive events, but palyers get an attachment to their race, thanks to the opening lore, and zones they are interoduced - to then see their peoples constantly ravaged (Nelves will understand this most, but every race has this), and never really see anything improve except Orgrimmar and Stormwin, which face it, compared to the likes of Silvermoon, Atal’dazar, Suramar or Dalaran are far from the favourites of th elarger majority.

Some people love Mechagon, some Kezan, some Suramar, some Silvermoon, some Gilneas, others Stormwin, some Ironforge, or THunderbluff, Icecrown Citadel, Skywall .

And would love these to be incredible and useful - have quests to do their, can hearth and return from there etc… imagine now if orgrrimmar would mostly be orcs and orc players, Silvermoon thalassians, etc etc… well all be going ot our capitals but thanks to system tools like LFG, trade chat, zones like chamber of hearts etc, we don’t all need to be gathered in one capital, and we can enjoy the palces we like the most.

Yeah sadly I agree.

This idea will cost them more money… why bother when they can make $ with a new mobile game launch.


Sadly for pc gamers, the mobile market is way bigger and a lot more profitable.




I’m not a fan of housing either, or rather I’ve never particularly cared for it, but I know it is highly desirable to a lot of people, who love customisation and detail, and if a way can be found to do it in this sort of system, in way that doesn’t divide people, then sure.

Cities would be shared spaces like class order halls (although how developed yours is would be based on your progress), your house or HQ building now that could be a phased zone like garrisons was, where you could have your own private garden, mine, estate… The question is tho, would it be necessary when you are building a capital ?

Actually no, because building a capital actually achieves all those things, having a house would just be a crowning achievement, but the city actually does everything and more, much more… in this scenario, your could racially hearth to your house instead of an inn in the city. Where as guild HQs provide more interesting things like guild vendors

Talking about a guild HQ, I wonder how would be an awesome way to implement it. If a guild can purchase a house, should it be in the sanctuary area and visible to everyone on the server rather than only the members or in a phased zone?

I think the former, afterall, a capital can have many buildings, and buildings that can be purchased as guild HQs would have the ability to be expanded… who knows, it’s worth some sort, based on what players want.

I know some guilds would love to be able to show their prowress

The mistake would be that houses or HQs buildings would be phased and not allowing everyone to see or visit them.

That is the thing that would divide everyone like the garrisons.

What about housing (the way you want) but not phased and seen/being able to be visited by everyone but only the owner can customize it?

That would be great! So, no division and everyone is happy.


Well funny you should say that, this is one feature that a mobile application can be built to facilitate, one far more comprehensive than the mission table one… Race adventures continue on your mobile app, you can make planning and development decisions via it, use it to paly campaigns in short mini games - and implement changes tha twill show up in game when you next log on.

Some people can spend time on the mobile app adding detail and mission and games like puzzles or races etc… there is much they can do.

More sad would be the failure of a game company to see benefits of investing in the pc game that is already making millions, especially when developments like this can have huge pay outs in the long term and also open up mobile applications that can lead users to the subscription game.

I mean a great way to keep people subscribed continuously and draw new players in? Would be definitely worth it, not to mention it continues to keep the game going.

In full agreement with this, and I think a capital that you build has room for a visible player housing, face it, there are tons more buildings than will ever get used.

What they could do is visible guild HQs, and phased player housing.

Hear me out, Guild HQs can have members with rooms and apartments and even allow them to build a house on the premises, available to all, but they need lots of gold for that.

Individual housing however is a structure in the same location for everyone, like garrisons were, and the extent, size/development of yours is based on how much you develop it. A city would have both guild (seen by everyone) and player (phased) housing.

Phased Housing:
Now this can be done in several ways, you could have shards of the city quadrant dedicated to it, that hosts the maximum amount of buldings.

e.g. Take Silvermoon, the quarter that you open up for Player housing, has a total of 50 buildings, now that quarter is phased, so that up to 50 players can share it, once the 51st person chooses his house there, it’s on a new shard. teaming up with another player will have you both placed on the same shard… and as raids can take up to 50 players, you can all be on the same shard… The shard will show your buildings to the extent you have developed them.


Sounds nice on the paper but considering how they screwed up the garrison i doubt something like this has any possibility to happen.

If I wanted to play Sim City then I would go and play it.

This was exactly what I was thinking as I read.

They are terrified of committing to anything they may have to keep up in future expansions. No doubt they have their organizational experience, at least some of which will be the basis of that.

I think they would also say that they don’t want to be restricted in future by forging gameplay through a system that has become tiresome all round.

Nice exposition of what it could be, but I really don’t think the devs are up for it.


I think they shifted their design philsophies and goals, but while the current format has some good benefits and for all intents and purposes should continue.

Clearly it’s not enough, it doesn’t solve the drop off problem, losing subs always after a month or a few months into the new expansion or the new patch, and there is never a guarantee the people would return either.

What happens if you get 2 bad expansions in a row? So far they seem to have 1 good , 1 bad and massive swings.

It’s sad that nobody cares to relook at this, and have long term elements shore up