Imagine my shock when horde is now 56% @120

Haha good one did you get that joke with your email from blizzcon receipt?


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Well what did you expect? You fellas got what you wanted doing that, canā€™t we try the same?

And that mout sucks, by the way.

Well Iā€™ve not seen one of these threads in a long time :laughing:

Funny when I go to realmpop EU, stick that slider on 120s

It shows 54.9% Horde and 45.1% Alliance.

Pretty sure thatā€™s exactly the same as it was the last time you were active on the forums making these kinds of threads.


It is great but means little, it does not how how many accounts per side, Iā€™ve got 19 horde characters and 1 alliance at 120, I can only play one at a time.

My recent experience is being consistently out numbered in WM as a horde player in BfA zones.

My eyes must need checking. I read that as ā€˜making these kind of threatsā€™. Thought id missed out on some juicy forum drama!

Iā€™d say those numbers are well balanced considering its not something they can control all that much.

Everyone can make 50 characters per account. Some people will play a main and faff on alts, some will gear and do activities on many, some will just casually play on many alts and not really bother with a main. People are all different.

War Mode is a whole different kettle of fish. There are no stats for WM on off, but we know from the WM bonus that the Alliance nearly always get the higher percentage, while the Horde have a static 10% bonus. So we know the Alliance are nearly always outnumbered in war mode.

I actually prefer this site is much nicer to see activity on servers

We just need more sensible void elves like you.


It is only my experience and I have posted this on here before but I just donā€™t accept that as true, Mechagon is now owned by the Alliance and has been for several months on the shards I am placed in. Only one view, but this overall bonus doesnā€™t work, look at the Oceanic situation

And I rarely see an Alliance, to get CTA done I always have to join groups elsewhere.

Odd isnā€™t it?

Yes and no, although Iā€™m sharded with others from other realms, they are mostly all realms that are dominated by Horde, most of the time doing CTA I end up on a German or Russian realms where the Horde arenā€™t the majority.

Theoretically shards are balanced but if the Horde are the majority overall, many shards canā€™t have that. Is my best guess.

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Replying to the title:
Imagine my shock realizing itā€™s just another ā€˜ā€˜Horde biasā€™ā€™ topic that canā€™t be taken serious.

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Well the stat increase is a lie for a start

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I mean i kind of like being the underdog. Makes the feeling of winning battlegrounds even better when you know youā€™re supposed to lose. I guess it sucks though if youā€™re into mythic raiding and wanna be alliance.

Ah it must be time for Retributor to return with another pointless post.

Canā€™t wait to tear people up as a Mechagnome, couldnā€™t care less about Vulpera.

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The defeatist attitude Alliance players have is what makes people go play Horde. You got an exclusive mount, Legion was all about Alliance lore characters, Sylvanas turned out to be another corrupt warchief making Horde the bad guys again and Horde donā€™t care and donā€™t complain, they just play and think their race/faction is cool. Alliance seems insecure with all the crying threads.


Have you seen the Alliance story line quests in BfA? Taking selfies and catching chickens. No wonder people play Horde. I do have to admit gather hyena poop is also a bit low on the Horde side.

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I liked the selfie quest, it made me laugh. Blizz always has some lighthearted funny quests along the way.


I still have that chicken quest in my log to complete :rofl: Iā€™m still mad about that treasure one in stormsong valley though, that guy still owes me my money!!! And I did all the work!

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Do you call vulpera exiting race? are you crazy?