Imagine recycling older content

Can you imagine if they brought back a raid from vanilla in wrath or remade a raid into a dungeon with cataclysm? Or what about making them heroic? Not even MoP did that stuff… jesus…


People: Hey Blizzard, how about you make older stuff a thing again?
Blizzard: Ugh sure i guess, give us time to flesh it out
People: OHH Wow recycling content? WOW!

Jesus atleast have the guts, to not hide behind your little level 20 Forum Twink and stand up to your opinion!


Pretty sure his post is sarcasm.


You know what! You might be right!

Well it is, then i may have made a fool of myself, but i will take this L! I will even give him props for getting me like that!


It is interesting how the general opinion seems to vary depending on where you read it.

If you read about the announcement here in the forum you get the impression that everyone absolutely hates the “recycling” of old content.

If you read about it on reddit on the other hand the general opinion seems a lot more positive and people are kinda excited about this.

And I bet in other places you might get a totally different impression aswell.

So keep in mind that the people that use the WoW forums (or anywhere really) don’t necessarily reflect the general opinion.


It’s more like

Some people: line 1
Blizzard: line 2
Different people: line 3

It’s not the people who wanted recycled content who are complaining. They are getting what they want. It’s the people that prefer new content that are disappointed with this move.

The community has never and will never speak with one voice. They all like different things.

Personally I would prefer if they are going to recycle old content it is done in the context of TW and not as actual patch content.


Would prefer revamped Azeroth than space adventures but hey it is what it is. Not everybody gets nice things.


But Alien Goat Spaceship!


People would love it… It would be a nostalgia trip like retail had never seen before.

If they brought back molten core. Or Nazramas as endgame raids.

Actually am I the only one who think it’s a good idea? There’s so much forgotten content we could re-use with a twist at the end of an expansion, creating a “mini-season” in the content draught.

What about taking random parts of the old world and turning them into temporary battlegrounds? Perhaps in the Wetlands / Dun Morough gauntlet, in Stromgarde / Arathi etc.

Lots of ideas that could utilize existing assets.


I mean revamped arathi highlands was good would love to see more of that you know.


I remember the MC event. Trash hit so hard it was worse than trying to do the bosses, you couldn’t release at any point or you’d be cut off by the trash that respawned between the entrance and whatever boss you were on.

I did it once for my core hound and then left it alone for the rest of the time it was up :rofl:

There were several nerfs/tweaks/fixes during it’s time as an event.


Testify!..and often those things directly conflict.


Those first two guards at the enterance… I remember them well x3 Was the trial of fire for most raids just those two alone back then.

But hey… WoW Classic scored allot of nostalgia points for those players concerned… Why wouldn’t some old school raids do the same for us retail players? Think about it…

So many good mog pieces back in those old raids too… Imagine if they got an upgrade to todays standards? I for one think these could be a hit…

If I remember correctly we never solved the Northrend Zul’Drak dungeon snake issue in there, even though Metzen said they added it in just for the coolness but it can always be expanded on.

Another thing is the Blackrock depths the closed door area where Bael’gar sits around always can make something out of there. Like there are just so many opportunities for the Azeroth story to expand still.

There was no Classic back then, this was during WoD.

I honestly don’t mind these kinds of things for TW or Anniversary events. I just object when it’s used as content and a whole Season is built around it.

So I’m hoping there is no KSM mount for the horrible list of dungeons we will have available and I can just take a nice break instead :slight_smile:


I was talking about when Molten core was …Molten core. And not an event>< When the raid actually happend

The first time round, fair enough.


Attunements…eye tic…kill them…kill them with FIRE!


I couldn’t even spell in english back then. But i somehow still had it. I knew what North. West. south and east. meant in my quests though. So relied on my compass allot for that.