Imagine recycling older content


Everyone “Oh they made MC a timewalking raid? This will be a faceroll!”
Trash “oh hohohoho… we’re gonna make them cry…”
Smouldering Core Hound trash “Make them cry? pffsh amateurs, we’ll make them quit”

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Blizz will never do something right 100%. The community is heterogeneous with different wishes and needs. So it really is not that hard to understand some people would call it recycling and complain.

Some of the other fun bugs included queuing up for a long time to be put into a completed instance with all bosses dead, the only option was to leave and that gave you deserter buff.

What is wrong with that?
i’d love to have a bunch of dungeons to do as M+. Also if they make all dungeons as TW will be great. GW2 and FF14 show that scaling is the way to make the content not dead and i support it.

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I still remember fondly the bedlam that ensured when the raid was crossing the bridge and the tank pulled the huge rock golem boss (the one with the two dogs) which proceeded to tear up the passages to get to us.

Kindly dragging every bit of trash with him.

Anyways, Ive been very busy today so haven’t really clued up on this thread, are Blizzard making old content dungeons into miffic or something?

Won’t matter to me in the slightest if it is.

You need to read this announcement.

They are replacing our regular dungeons with a delightful choice (mostly by Blizz) of older dungeons from various expansions. They are also trying to make all the raids from this expansion relevant again.

They are allowing people to vote on the two WoD dungeons, which has also had comical results

You’re assuming the people asking are the same complaining.
I don’t think that’s true for the most part.

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That’s a hard pass from me lol, I won’t touch mythic with a bargepole.


I only hope that 9.2.5 m+ dungeons wont use scalings… or it will be horrible.

news flash you can do both - make new content and bring back old content in a lot of scenarios

No, it’s the usual Vocal minority jerks. They constantly seek validation in their requests. They are insufferable in general.

Wrong, there is nothing good feeling about not one shotting something you killed years ago in current times.

9.2.5 is, I guess, what could be called a “bottle episode” patch. 10.0 is a long way off and Blizz don’t have the resources to focus on both the next expack and additional SL content. Season 4 is where either 9.3 or 10.0 should be, but as one has been cancelled and the other delayed, we’re left with a cheap recycled content x.x.5 patch instead.

Complaints from players are imho justified because this is a mess entirely of Blizz’s own making. However, that doesn’t mean there’s anything to be done about it rn. The WoW team is trying to implement big changes to working practices, recruit a lot of new staff and bring them up-to-speed, and also adjust to the future under MS. There’s a lot for them to deal with beyond the actual work of doing their jobs to deliver new content.

Yeah, that was pretty naïve. They obviously forgot about the whole Boaty McBoatface thing.

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I have no problem with re-using some old content, it’s about how much.
Legion used the old world a lot in the quests to get our Artifacts and this worked well. I liked the new Naxx but it’s a shame they removed the old one.
They oculd have done a better job with using some old dead characters in Shadowlands but they didn’t.

News Flash it’s Season 4 Patch, all you would get that would be New is another Raid tier, but surprise, they have no more Themes for another raid.

ye people these days are crazy
i enjoyed MOP rework of scarlet crusade
and i LOVED cataclysm reworking old dungeons
it was refreshing and it reminds you why you liked deadmines for example
They should do this way more often
They can have original for low lvl and redesign it for m+ and end game

I hated it. The rework removed 50% of the dungeon. Same with the Scholomance rework.

I hated it. It turned many dungeons from sprawling and immersive places to linear tubes. Look at the Sunken Temple. 50% of the dungeon was cut off. Zul’gurub raid was completely removed.

I wouldn’t had minded if they’d just create new parts for those dungeons or at least give us the ability to access the old versions, but they didn’t do that. They just straight up removed the old versions.

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Can’t say for Sunken Temple. I always thought it was awful and it still is. So not done that one much. Agree on the rest though.

I mean, I respect that not everyone liked it, but it felt like an actual dungeon. Like a sprawling labyrinth full of ancient horrors and forgotten secrets. It felt immersive in my opinion.

They could’ve just made LFG make you clear the upper part for the completion and leave the rest. Instead they chose the easy and lazy way as usual.


Well i used to ask for this my self…

But truth be told… Pre-legion dungeons werent made to be dungeons for m+ where they?><

Did some WoD timewalking today… Those becoming m+?.. Idk…