Imagine thinking camps humans built for orcs after 2nd war were morally wrong

You are a rightful military target. Can’t wait to burn down your characters home next time the faction conflict comes up.

on one thread, you defend horde for not being evil. on this thread you say you want more innocents to die. make up your mind.

Well you aren’t fooling me and anyone with at least 2-digit iq and basic decent morals. We know what pile of dishonorable trash horde is;)

The Horde council is trash. Sylvanas however is amazing. True Horde loyalists would follow her no matter what. Can’t wait to have Thrall and Baine being killed off. They are the very worst of the Horde.

I don’t understand you.
Why do you defend the horde for not being evil on the other thread, yet here you are simping your life out for the scummiest, dishonorable war criminal that ever existed in gaming.

Please, stay consistent. Either keep lying to yourself that you believe horde is honorable and morally good, or be engulfed in lack of morals and animal-like bloodthirst for innocent lives. either way everyone gets what kind of player you are. I assume genocides of innocents are cool and it makes you feel powerful? Might compensate for something irl, idk, who am I to tell:)

Sylvanas doesn’t need to be good. It is enough if she is right and gets vindicated.

I never said that I want the Horde to be good. Stop assuming stuff about me. Your fairy tales are annoying.

well you have very terrible morals. i don’t even want to know what your friend circle looks like. Like attracts like you know;) ew

It’s weird to read someone who thinks genocide by Concentration Camp is fine talk down to someone about morality…

Both of you should take a look at yourself or the persona you are playing here, and really reconsider your point.


This is still a fantasy game. Don’t compare to them real life morals.

Well yes, it would’ve been better to kill them in the first place. I agree.

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Having a worse course of action in store does not negate the amorality of the act you end up carrying.

Let alone that i find it amusing whenever people try to argue that the lone way to go with orcs, was either Concentration camps or Genocide.
Specially given the latest information expanded on Chronicles and the novels.

Well what would’ve you done with the new information you’re talking about?

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You have one set of morals. It is impossible for people to create other set of morals for certain things, because they would still be influenced by your basic moral standards. Simple psychology.
Finding enjoyment in fictional genocides is just as sick in finding pleasure in fictional r*pe scenes. Just because something is a game or a fictional work doesn’t diminish the meaning of the concepts that are represented in those works.

You forgot to mention that the concentration camps were built for participants of mass genocide, not for innocent beings. Just because orcs were dumb enough to think they will be left alone in peace and started families is not human’s fault.

If you have 2 good apples in a tied up sack of 20 rotten apples, would you throw it away or eat it all?


Now that is an alliance player of the faction that is constantly whining about the BFA “GENIOOHHHCIDE” :rofl:

For Sylvanas.
Get ready, SHE is coming back :wink:


She is literally the final boss of next raid. What is left of her will come back to us in a soup can, delivered by Tyrande

Can i see your evidence she is a boss? :laughing:
Because ive seen nothing so far :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like someone didn’t watch blizzconline. Can’t wait to spit on sylvanas once we kill her, or, whatever will remain of her.

Couldnt wait to spit on your jaina and tyrande but they are still alive even though i killed them :slight_smile:

Here you go. Sylvanas is the next boss. Deserved. Enjoy licking the ground she walks on while it lasts, because she will be nibbling radishes from below very soon.

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Youre a bit salty goatnight xD

I would suggest you to see this

Very carefully because you are going to be very, VERY disappointed :slight_smile:

Lol, you asked for evidence Sylvanas is the next boss, I delivered.
idk what you’re trying to do now, we will fight her and nothing will change that. Sure, she might not die in theory, but that would anger more than half of the playerbase which is something Blizzard wants to avoid after teldrassil genocide.

And I would also suggest you learn about the old gods. Not everything they say is supposed to be reality, when they try to get to your mind, they are manipulating your emotions and thoughts. Taking everything you heard in Ny’Alotha as granted is very stupid imo.

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