Imbalanced Warmode buff

I see 15 Alliance for 1 Horde player in warmode, and Alliance has 30% buff and Horde has 10%.
Frankly, pretty ridiculous.


3 Horde vs 15 Alliance at supply drops

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The warmode buff is indeed the most stupid thing ever.

It supposed to be motivation for lesser fraction to join warmode but that feels unfair with sharding. Idk how it works but as alliance I was always feeling like im minority that is supposed to be true but in df I fully changed my fraction and it still seems that im minority. Always tons of alliance toons killing everyone they see. Sharding is really weird.

I see mostly horde and they usually get the war crates because they outnumer us

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Sadly this is how it works and nobody understands it. The sharding seems to put single players of Horde or Alliance always into huge crowds of the opposite faction.

I’ve noticed Horde don’t even get the “Against Overwhelming odds” weekly quest. I think maybe the algorithm counts the faction population difference based on overall faction balance and not just those with Warmode on?

Otherwise I have no idea, feels like Warmode is mostly Alliance everywhere.

Correct, it’s based on region. Intended to increase the participation of the outnumbered in region, since WM is cross realm.

So it’s utterly broken, then? Since the horde that play on the ravendholt shard are, as you all know, massively outnumbered ; yet we don’t get the overwhelming odds quest? What the actual…

IT’s been this way on Argent Dawn since BFA and Blizzard ignore it. Like they’ll ignore tanks in wpvp being completely broken.

Ye, originally rp and normal wm were not intended to be separated, but rp forum exploded when they heard they’d be mixed with normals. I guess too much work to change how bonus works, or there’d be unforseen consequence of balancing rp and normal separately via wm bonus, or blizz are happy with the balancing overall.

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