[Immersion?] Blood elf Personality

Hi, again if this is not the place then I am sorry. I loved the responses for my previous lore/rp question about Worgen which made me want to ask another. Keep in mind this is simply for my own head canon/Immersion and is just for fun. So the question is, when I think of blood elf lore the stereotypical personality that comes to mind is posh and snobby traits but would a blood elf be able to have a more grounded and sincere personality? And could they both resent their elitist people but at the same time be proud of their kingdom?

Wow you basically just explained Felentrick in that one paraphrase there. :rofl:

Felentrick, started as the very pompous, arrogant character and eventually as he went along his journey over the years he began to be more humbled by the Horde after the Sin’dorei joined them.

This is very plausible for any Sin’dorei to begin walking down this path and Felentrick is not the only one.
I’ve met those who have turned their back on their own people because of their arrogance and pragmatic nature.

So long as it flows within the RP and the story it is entirely plausible in any form or canonical way of any race to turn out like this though. From Human, Nightborne to Blood Elves themselves as well.


Pretty much up to the writer’s discretion. You can make them however you want; though, you would need a very good reason if you make a blood elf character that hates Quel’Thalas’ regency, its military, its society all the way down to the commonfolk, its nobility, its allies, its greater faction, its magical practices, all at once, at the same time, with unquestionable vitriol. At that point, the question as to why they haven’t faction flipped to Alliance becomes one that is almost unavoidable, and sometimes pretty immersion-breaking if the answer boils down to “I can’t get this hairstyle on a void elf.”



The Sin’dorei are not all the same in personalities, and even more, a lot of them are not elitists. And you can be proud of your nation without being so.

Commonly, the personality gets more strict, snobby, as you climb up (if we do not count Lor’themar), and Magisters can many times be much more selfimportant than a Ranger


As said, you can do what you want really.

But the blood elves have been through a lot, in one of the more recent novels (Sylvanas iirc), it was remarked that the blood elves have generally become quite a somber people that shun ostentatious displays.

With that said, there’s a vast arrary of characters with differing personalities. From Rommath who’s depicted as Jaded, incredibly bitter towards the Kirin Tor to the blood elf in Stonard - Lorrin Foxfire - who’s an utter Horde eccentric.

The world (of warcraft) is your Oyster.


Blood Elves come in various flavours in regards to their personality and much of the supposed snobbery is often greatly exaggerated and can be linked in large part to a few specific quests that were clearly mostly intended to be played for laughs.

I’d go a step further and suggest that many players allow the caricatures of wealthy/aristocratic types that they have been fed by various forms of media to mislead them. Etiquette is highly valued, for instance, so even if someone in a position of power and wealth doesn’t like someone below them they’re not often going to make it obvious as that would be improper.

Many Blood Elves are proud of their heritage, their culture and their people to be sure - though they tend to pull together and look out for each other as opposed to cackling and sneering at those less fortunate than themselves.

If anything, it’s likely a mentality largely limited to civilians who haven’t had much exposure to hardship but even then, that in itself is a rarity since every Blood Elf has experienced a significant amount of loss and trauma in ‘recent’ years and any combatants will have fought in many different conflicts, building up a rapport with their allies in the process even if it’s a tentative, opportunistic sort.


They like everyone else are different people, different life experiences, interests etc
We all interact with the world differently and have different people in our life’s, who contribute to our character.

Not all blood elf’s have to be stuck up, just because some are!
That’s a bit boring and shallow, if it was the case!

You can be proud of Quhel’thalas without being a jerk about it :slight_smile:
My char do that proudly trough his Smiting and enchanting business, who focuses on elven (Sin’dorei) design and tradition, yet cater to custom orders too.

He belives in compassion, their people have suffered enough and need to move forward.