Immortal, Undying, Tears, Conqueror & Champion not removed?

What on earth is actually going on?

Original Cataclysm Pre-Patch & Current Version of Retail

  • Insane in the Membrane - Available on Retail
  • Immortal & Undying - Unobtainable in Cataclysm Pre-Patch
  • Conqueror & Champion of Ulduar - Unobtainable in Cataclysm Pre-Patch
  • He Feeds on Your Tears - Unobtainable in Cataclysm Pre-Patch

Cataclysm Classic Weird AF Changes

  • Insane in the Membrane - Unobtainable
  • Immortal & Undying - Obtainable in Cataclysm
  • Conqueror & Champion of Ulduar - Obtainable in Cataclysm
  • He Feeds on Your Tears - Obtainable in Cataclysm

So, we’ll remove 1 title that isn’t removed in Retail at all and we’ll keep 4 titles who actually became unobtainable in the Pre-Patch and up to today are unobtainable?

Absurd. This is absurd. Is this a late April’s Fools?

How on Earth, can Blizzard miss this?



Where you read about Immortal and undying? On p1/p2 they told that gonna be avaliable only through expansion.
Most likely they just didnt mentioned it beiing removed, its one of tons expected changes.

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They specifically mention ToGC tho, bit odd to not do that for the rest no? :slight_smile:

  • Crusader’s White/Black Warhorse and Swift Alliance Steed/Swift Horde Wolf: As the attempt-based tribute system is being removed from Heroic Trial of the Crusader, the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest will no longer spawn, and these mounts will no longer be obtainable.
    THey mentioned specialy only drop mounts not achievement ones, and TOC ones drop one, even if they are close to achiev one in some sence.
    Pretty sure they gonna remove em, just as titles.
    Sadly ima lack 1/2 achievs for Naax 25/ulduar drakes on diff chars, lazy to even try get em.
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beta is a buggy mess. in all honesty everyone should try to get any of these achieves day 1 of prepatch because chances are high that they still work and then get patched after many got it in prepatch. lol.

They could be available for Pre-Patch, and removed with the release.

Or, they keep it in this time.