Immunity is cancer

Am I the only one who thinks there shouldn’t be any type of immunity in PvP? It ruins the flow of the game so badly.

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The hate of immunities existed since classic wow.
I can even recal people calling it “cheating” when a paladin bubbles.

In all honesty immunities should go in the bin for the most part with small fractions of them remaining.
Anything in moderation.

I agree.
Give it to everyone or remove it from everyone

And yet that line is used as a response to every skill or mechanic which gives PvPers a headache. One day it’s immunity, the next it’s stuns, speed boosts, gap closers, cheat death, etc etc.

Homogenous classes are not something I want to see.


I don’t mind immunities that much, really. Especially if you use the broad definition. That would be anything from Paladin Bubble to Berserker Rage. Most of those that are implemented in the game are to me fair. The most extreme case would be Paladin’s bubble - yet that is just part of their kit and not something I will cry about. It hasn’t really been an issue in 20 years; and it still isn’t.

Brit got a point, and a solid one at that, if you fix this “issue” then 3 more will take its place. This holds twice as true when we are talking about things that are non-issues in the first place.

They are just different counter tools that are in the game. Sure, they stop you from doing what they immune, yet that is the whole point - counterplay to actions performed against them.

Immune to slows? Stun. Immune to stun, fear. There are plenty of things you can do around immunities. Even the most popular one - Bubble; got counterplay in shattering effects. Not to mention, the toolkit around Bubble is made so when bubble is popped, that player has spent their big save button. It is all balanced out.

I get immunity feels annoying to play against. As its intended purpose is to stop you from interacting with the player in a certain way. Still, it is a fundamental part of WoW PvP to allow that player to play their game as well.

Flow disruption is its purpose, and I am all for it :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Make it so you cant be healed from outside sources when using immunities problem solved. If outside sources cant damage you then they shouldnt be able to heal you either. Effectively make them like a self targeted cyclone.

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Quite the opposite. Give FDK disarm immunity during Pillar!

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Thank god we get Death Charge in War Within.

All the immunity to our Death Grip is the worst, now we will have the best mobility and finally can put mages back to the stone age were they belong.


Immunity is cancer pls dont use thet tital sickness lot many my femmily to

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