You cant interact with Imp Mother Dyala in Dreadscare Rift (Warlock Classhall) to buy the Grimoire of the Darkfire Imp. She is clipped into the ground.
Relog to fix this.
You cant interact with Imp Mother Dyala in Dreadscare Rift (Warlock Classhall) to buy the Grimoire of the Darkfire Imp. She is clipped into the ground.
Relog to fix this.
she’s still bugged for me as of 04/12/24, I’ve tried relogging, logging out completely and it doesn’t work
Have you reported it to Blizzard yet?
Hi Shirena,
The Imp Mother has always been a bit… difficult to reach, but it should still be possible with some relogging, getting as close as you can and some good old ~clicking around a bit~
It’s definitely not ideal, but is probably not going to be receiving work anytime soon. I hope you can still get it done!