Imp takes to much damage

I was considering this build as well, though unless you are a tank, 30/0/21 should result in very similiar gameplay but with nightfall and less pet damage (which scales with the lock dps T1 set). But yes CoD, UA, Shadowflame and Corruption scale very well with demonic grace (and ruin + bane in case of Shadowflame) and technically you should be able to stuff them all into one DG duration.

Blizzard saw us having fun with 30% crit chance on dots, so they decided to reduce it to 20% (change coming in p5).
First time useful after they buffed it by about +33% by removing DG from GCD and now they take away about -33% of the effect so it is again similar to the weak state from p1-p3. What is the whole sense of this?
First version: 4,5 sec useful buff time +30%crit every 20s is 6.75% bonus crit on average.
Second version 6 sec useful buff time +30%crit every 20s is +9% bonus crit chance on average.
Third version will be: 6sec buff time +20%crit every 20 sec so this turns out to +6% crit chance on average.

Third version coming in p5 will be even weaker than first version, and first version was hated in p1-p3 for being so weak.

I guess they wanted to nerf affli because it was doing more damage than other specs or even demo tanking together with the 20% damage nerf to demon form.

and pets are still not fixed, utter garbage tbh.

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like i’ve said previously this could quite simply be heped with a book bought from the vendor in SW for gold heck i’d pay 50g no problem for it.

Book of demonic resistance: Allow your imp to take up to 90-95% dmg from spells and effects.
Hardly game breaking

Or just make him scale with stamina properly, all the other pets just have different base healths (other than FG that got 20% buff to stamina recently) but 1 stamina means 10 hp for them (+ fel stamina talent), only the imp is exception and 1 stamina equals 4HP or some such value.

In addition, when you summon a new pet it arrives with 49% hp lol

Damn, would be awful for horde warlocks to go all the way to SW to buy it

Yes good luck destro warlocks with your scythe of chaos in p5 when you have to summon your imp every minute with <1000 health because 100% hp is asked too much.
Affliction with succubus has almost 2000.
But 2000 hp is also not enough to make the demon survive for 45+ sec until the next scythe use.

Did you say 49%? Try more like 30-32% because that’s how much HP my felguard has when summoned.

I think it might be 100% base health before any stamina from gear, buffs or hp from talents.

Edit: Yup just tested it, exactly the same amount of HP (3060 or something like that but it was same in both cases) regardless of gear. When I take into account my “green stamina” of my character when naked (of which FG takes 75% before bonuses are applied) + 20% felguard specific bonus to stamina + 15% of pet stamina bonus from demo talents you roughly end up at the value the pet has on summon if you assume all of that gets ignored.

I’m growing tired of summoning my imp every raid fight as he just wants to get killed by every single AOE

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There is dirty server side solution to this if they dont want to implement it properly, every time you summon pet, dispell all negative debuffs (such as dots) and cast heal spell on him that heals for 100% of health. And make sure it does not get triggered when you use eye of killrog or even better enable it only in SOD, ERA and HC.

I was thinking exactly the same thing

Pet needs either massive passive in combat health regen or some kind of leech effect.

Is there anything new for lock pets next phase? Because on my warlock I haven’t bothered summoning any demon due to the AoE just turning it into swizz cheese.

class weapon scythe of chaos gives you a mana and shard free and instant cast pet summon every 60-90 seconds. that is so far the only new thing that could help with dead pets. but the real purpose of this proc is free resummon after sacrifice for 15 sec damage buff.

Well, ZG set is demo oriented (+20% contribution to AP/SP from lock SP; 2 sec shorter cooldown on Felguard cleave; +50% affect of master demonologist; trinket with +50% attack speed for pet for 15 seconds) and T2 is dot, pet and shadow oriented (+10% damage to Felguard and dots; Felguard, CoA, Shadowflame and UA has 4% to trigger same effect as nightfall - you dont actually need to have the talent; +10-30% bonus to ShadowBolt based on amount of shadow effect on target); and finally the BWL trinket with +100% pet damage and armor for 30 seconds. So MD+Ruin build with FG should be pretty viable in nect phase.

In theory, but in reality you can only use succubus as soon as you get your scythe of chaos. Fel guard gives you a defensive buff.
And succubus will be dead 50% of the time

Scyte of chaos would be DPS loss even if it had same effect with FG as with succubus because FG with world buffs, AP buffs from War, Str buff from Shamy and set and neck bonuses from ZG + T2 is gonna be roughly 30% of your DPS (maybe even more). I am not sure whether pet losses buffs if it gets unsummoned this way but I think at least his 10 stacks of AP bonus are gonna get lost, also you gonna loose lot of “nightfall procs” from T2 if you lose your FG since it can hit like every 0.8 times per second with reduced CD for cleave and 15% haste buff from Warchiefs blessing. I assuming here MD + Ruin build, which also means loss of 10-15% bonus to total damage, -20-30% threat (or +20-30% threat in Meta), +60-90 all resist and +10-15 physical damage readuction.

So if you are using MD+Ruin either for tanking or damage it is not worth it to use the active effect of scythe with FG, and same build would be loosing too much benefit by using Succubus, you could just straight away go for SM+Ruin instead to get perma shadow damage bonus regardless of having relatively fragile Succy out.

Yes it is counted as a death, all buffs lost.
And also only 50% hp when free resummon.
It is a nonsense concept (if they don’t improve it the next few days)