Imp takes to much damage

i think blizzard should fix how imp works, at the moment he takes too many damage and dies pretty much every encounter.
its impossible to play any legs rune cause of that, and this is a very bad game experience


Agree, shocking for warlocks considering both grace and dpact need the imp up to be effective. very easy fix. simply make the imp take less 90% resistance from fire/frost/arcane/nature spells. or make us buy a book/spell from trainer to allow for this. dpact is effectively a raid nerf for the spellpower it can provide and grace for the extra self dps increase. it just boggles my mind as to why this hasnt been addressed.

were not asking for much. just that 2 runes that we need to use are somewhat fixed in MC and world bosses. its ridiculous to expect warlocks to have to resummon pets 4-5 times a fight. we dont mind maybe once but this is just abysmal

Yeah, summoning a pet 3 times in a fight is just not fun.
And what i cant understand is that this is exactly the game experience that blizzard doesnt want for players.

Solution is (sadly) to play 0/30/21 with fel guard… this pet will hardly die.
10k health with raid buffs, and also 60 to all resistances with the master of demo talent.
And even if it dies then you have fel domination to insta resummon.

but the whole point of making specs viable is so that they are playable. imps just done 7.9k damage on raggy cos its spent the majority of the fight dead. that both tried with dpact and grace. both abilitys require the imp to be alive. dont mind the imp dying. but its being 1 shot repeatedly is beyond stupid. just gives us a simple book that gives imps a resist by says 90%. fixed. or just make it that when the player wears fire resist the imps get says double so negates the imcoming fire dmg

Man imp dies all the time its so annoying. Pets should avoid boss skill and aoe…

Pets have 75% or 90% AOE reduction in SoD, thats why you can play with them in raid to begin with. However lock has no raid viable way of healing his pet so even if the damage does not result in instant kill it will add up over time if pet does not receive any 3rd party heal. But I agree that imp is too squishy. It is probably being hit by some spell that is not oficially considered AOE like randomly cast DOT, not sure whether things like shadowbolt valley are officially considered AOE either.

I don’t think avoidance was ever implemented. I remember seeing it on some data mining but never officially implemented. Either way imp does get targeted a lot by single target spells that is true. Very hard to keep alive at the moment.

Any Blue to comment on this please ? this needs addressing asap thanks

They should at least change boss encounters that pets and minions no longer get targeted by direct spells. I also think some sort of AoE reduction is already active, but some spells are hitting pets directly and that is deadly for the imp with less than 2k health and also being invisible on 90% of healer’s frames.

Yesterday my imp was dead literally on pull on Gehenas.

It’s so annoying this hasn’t been addressed yet.

Doesn’t die in raid, but in PVP still melt like ice, spawn at 40% and seem to take double damage and AOE hurts them so much

Bump, still dies like a fly.

Did scholo today and the imp has a deathwish! On rattlegore he ran in and died from one cleave

Imp died at kazzak. Had to resummon for demonic grace use. Hundreds of dps were lost. Sucked.

Had to park imp in passive mode at ragnaros to prevent his death. phase shifted, fire bolt deactivated. For demonic grace.
Hundreds of dps were lost.

Had to use fel hunter/hound instead of suicidal imp at azuregos. Has good survivability but hundred dps were lost. Sucked.

I am afraid it is the solution … use fel hunter because he has good hp pool and good spell resistances.
Dps is low, no blood pact for party, will stand in lava at ragnaros… but will easy survive the fails that are happening. thx blizzard.

And like already mentioned the ultimate Solution is playing 0/30/21 with fel guard, but we all know where demo warlock stands in the statistics. Not really a satisfying option.
And also no blood pact and will die in lava at ragnaros

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not ideal but, ive found using felhunter on ragguy ideal. i use dpact for raid benefit but will also work for grace. felhunter doesnt die once as its in melee and afaik has alot more resistance

Thanks on this info I wanted to try play afliction lock and honestly do prefer felhunter over imp.

Felguard spec does decent damage (at least comparable or better then destro) if you get proper party buffs (you need to be in melee group) and if you get the melee relevant world buffs on top of your spellcaster buffs. Reason is that FG stacks +50% AP during the fight so it scales pretty well from AP buffs.

Yes i know, i play that way most of the time.
But i found a new way i will try next time.
0/30/21 with succubus, so i can use UA rune on wrist.
Simulates about 5% higher than fel guard.
Higher risk of failure traded for 5% more dps… i love that :sunglasses: (and also more interesting rotation)

It’s weird as well cuz FG is basically immune to anything AOE, can sit in meteor from the core and all the other AOE stuff in MC. It’s not just a HP issue.

While in PVP all pets just melt though