Imperial (18+) is recruiting 1 Lock, 1 Rogue, 1 Holy Pal and 1 DPS Warrior to our raiding team. 10/10 MC 1/1 Onyx. We have a 2-day raiding schedule: monday and wednesday from 19:15 to 22:45 ST. Visit www.imperial.shivtr. com or /w. Socials are most welcome aswell.
We can offer you an adult English guild (18+) with high end raiding experience and leadership from both OG vanilla and retail mythic.
Our goal is clear: We want to clear all content available on a 2-day raiding schedule.
- We respect that our players have obligations outside the game.
- However we do not wanna let that hinder our ambitions to be in the top of Mirage Raceway.
Besides that we can offer a friendly and helpful guild environment filled with bad jokes and passion.