Imperial recruiting for Molten Core! - Alliance

We are currently seeking all classes of appropriate skill level and mindset.

We can offer you an adult English guild (18+) with high end raiding experience and leadership from both OG vanilla and retail mythic.

Our goal is clear: We want to clear all content available on a 2-day raiding schedule.

  • We respect that our players have obligations outside the game.
  • However we do not wanna let that hinder our ambitions to be in the top of Mirage Raceway.

Besides that we can offer a friendly and helpful guild environment filled with bad jokes and passion. :wink:

Raiding days are Wednesday and Monday 19:15 to 22:45 cest

First raid is scheduled to take place Wed 25. of September

You can apply at imperial.shivtr .com under forum section or whisper me ingame for more info :slight_smile: