[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Thanks for the response.

What’s the story with the ticket response linked here:

Was this GM just incorrect in saying that there was no violation / that addons aren’t under Blizzard’s purvey? I’ve seen many ticket responses that are similar so I think there is a lot of confusion for GMs re. this

Also it would be sick if you could take a quick read above re. addons / trial accounts - I think it’s a very solid suggestion for lowering the abuses that will only inconvenience unpaid accounts / won’t require much in-game manpower


Seconded! Be nice if you guys could all get on the same page. getting wildly different response’s to the same problem from different Gm’s is not going to instil much confidence or make it clear what we should expect from them.


Despite the misunderstanding/confusion, without going into details, Crowton’s report was followed up on.

Please continue with these reports through Customer Support :slight_smile:


Alright, Stormforged poster.

I’ll honour yer request and continue with me judicial services.


While we can right click to report people for names and such, what about the various no-go zones? Say I walk through Trade District or Valley of Honor and we get a tag-along and we report them for griefing by jumping on us with a mount for the sole purpose of disrupting our RP, how do you GMs deal with that? There are no logs in that case.


Hey, gonna’ link this here and hoping it catches on + I believe this to be helpful to our community.


Why is it a requirement that people report - as an obvious example - the stuff at Goldshire? I’m almost certain that the GM team doesn’t need to be informed / already knows what the story is there

It feels like an arbitrary additional step of bureaucracy to get something that should have been solved about ten years ago looked at

On a different topic entirely, I’m compiling a list of AD/RP themed community discords to add the OP - here’s the ones I have so far
General AD Chat https://discord.gg/d5RHUde
Gnomes https://discord.gg/pNXqDD
Draenei https://discord.gg/YyKZW3z
Blood Elves https://discord.gg/WARSP4p
Goblins https://discord.gg/BUdCmJp
Stormwind https://discord.gg/bxhtbbq
Khaz Modan https://discord.gg/WTAAPqs
Elune Worshippers https://discord.gg/4MVex4J
Trolls https://discord.gg/Cfz8j9m
Orcs https://discord.gg/7q5wqpD

Let me know if you have some additions to this before I link it to the OP


Thank you so much for sharing the community servers, Perroy.

We’re making AD a better place already.

I also want to share a story with you guys.

The other day I saw someone with VERY blatant inappropiate content in the TRP Addon and after sending in the report (I attached screenshots to it), I actually got a positive response from a GM. They then not only said they’re investigating the issue, but they also told me players that get reported (yes, even for cases like this) either get: 1) a warning 2) a suspension and in severe cases 3) a ban.

I do think GMs are taking inappropiate Addon text, like in TRP or MRP, more serious these days. We have to stay active and …

… report ANY misconduct as much as possible!


That’s great news

Did you send in a ticket or a drop-down report? In my experience the former is way more effective but we’re always told to do the latter instead


It takes like 5 seconds of your time and if everyone does it many problems will get better quickly


At this point I think it would be cool if Blizzard just merged all the RP servers into one and focused on moderating that one space. Offer free transfers off for people who aren’t interested to similarly sized realms and really concentrate the RP community in one spot so it’s easier to keep track of / enforce the RP server policies.


That would be awesome!


Another community initiative on Argent Dawn for people to attend, by yours truly:


Very good idea IMO - if the argument for RP realms getting the short end of the stick being the small population / the larger need of customer support, clustering that population into one server is a very good compromise

Here’s the thread about it if anyone’s interested


The future is bright, especially for RP communities outside of the major hubs!

I’d like to invite everyone to a Khaz Modan tavern night on the 11th, 8 PM RT! (in Kharanos).


I’ve been wondering - when I started playing on AD (around 200 years ago) there was an RP policy page that you could visit that had all sorts of rules like no OOCing in spatial channels and so on

Now you can’t access that page and it seems the only rule that’s listed is the RP name policy

So is that stuff no longer in effect? Why? If not, why is the page gone / can it be brought back?

It’s kind of crazy to think that on an RP realm the only rule may well be “have a name that doesn’t have poggers in it”

Would appreciate some clarification from the blue posters if they know or otherwise basically anyone who can answer this one

I feel like that if this policy is discontinued, bringing it back would be a very good step in the right direction. People on RP servers want to see RP rather than just slightly nicer names



Role Play-Specific Verbal/Physical Harassment

This category includes:

  • Players that specifically target Role Players for verbal/physical abuse (not limited to offensive language)

If a player is found to be targeting Role Players with the specific intent to harass, he/she may:

  • Be temporarily suspended from the game

Out of Character (OOC) Discussion and Use of General Chat

Detailed below is the language policy enforced on the Role Play realms. Use of the /ignore command is also highly encouraged.

  • The General Chat Channel should only be used for finding Story Lines (SLs), finding Party Groups and various other discussions pertaining to Base Story Line (BSL), game-related topics, and continuity
  • The General Chat Channel should NOT be used for any “Off-topic,” Non-Story Line or non game-related discussion
  • Absolutely no out of character (OOC) or Non-Fantasy related dialogue should take place in the /Say, /Yell, or Party Chat Channels
  • Guild Chat will not be policed for any fantasy related violations
  • All normal harassment rules still apply

Examples of appropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

  • “Would anyone like to join a Rogue Specific SL?”
  • “What happened to the Well of Eternity?”

Examples of inappropriate conversation in the General Chat Channel:

  • “Did you see that new movie?”
  • “My sister just bought a new car.”

If a player is found violating any of these rules, he/she may:

  • Be given a warning
  • Be temporary suspended from the game

Non-Medieval/Fantasy Character Names

This category includes:

  • Any Non-Medieval or Non-Fantasy names (i.e. Microwave, Nuclearotron, Softwareman)
  • All normal naming rules and the specific Roleplay naming rules.

If a player is found to have such a name, he/she may:

  • Be assigned a randomly generated temporary name, to be changed via email
  • Be given the appropriate additional penalty if the name violates standard naming rules


  • This policy is in addition to the policies currently being enforced on all realms.
  • Repeatedly violating any area of the Role Play realm policy, as well as any area of the Terms of Use, will often result in temporary suspension from the game. The same sanction could apply for extreme cases.

In playing this game, you will encounter thousands of other players who share different experiences and come from vastly different character backgrounds than your own. Remember to be respectful of those around you. Help us to make this the most immersive Role Play Community in the history of the MMORPG!

For context.

I think some of them are a little bit archaic, such as General Chat channel not being used for OOC, whilst in reality it’s perfect for that.

But /say, /yell, /e should absolutely be used for IC conversations only.


Bring it back, bros

It’s time


Not using party for OOC chatter is also a little far-fetched, I think, but there’s a lot of promise in a ruleset like this for making reports against griefers more actionable.


Was this once the moderation blizzard did? I am ashamed that I never looked it up.

yeah it would be cool to have blizzard outline atleast some basic dos and donts regarding rp, and honestly the way things seem to be going since big pez made this forum post i wouldnt be surprised if that happens