[ Important? ] Building a better AD


Did you use the report button in TRP3 to get to the ticket form? The last times I went over the link provided over the button to submit the ticket, I got responses that they would look into it. This was the reply to the last one (about 2 weeks ago):

GM T*** here, also known as **** around these parts. I hope you are well.

I understand however you recently had an unfortunate encounter with another player.

Sorry to hear how this player’s behavior impacted your game experience. Please know this is not what World of Warcraft is about.

Following your petition please know I was able to initiate an investigation into these occurrences where we’ll be taking the appropriate action where necessary.

Note that Game Masters are unable to discuss in-game actions with other player for privacy reasons, though rest assured we thoroughly investigate all reports we receive.

I hope this information addresses your petition and wish you best of luck in your adventures!

In the ticket I only provided a screenshot of the sections containing the offensive text, the player name-realm, time and date and also ingame location, since that might make it easier to filter the chat protocols, who knows. I use the english client/page to report and not my native language, so I guess the ticket went to the EN team…? No clue how they handle that.

In former tickets I also used to include a link to the explanation about reportable profiles given by the TRP3 creators, where the whole arrangement made by them with Blizz as well as the correct way how to report was described. However, the link seems to be gone now, at least on the TRP3 curseforge page it is not functional anymore.


It is still there, first link under “Helpful links” right on top of the page, but at least for me it only points to the curseforge page itself…shrug

Now, the ticket answer might sound a bit boilerplate-y, but at least in one case a particular erm, “matronly” belf priest vanished for some time (until that I ran across that…coincidental champion almost daily in the bigger hubs), and when returning they had TRP3 disabled. If my ticket indeed played a part I guess we’ll never know…

Quick-link for reporting add-on contents for people’s reference (if they decide not to use the buttons available).


Yes in ten characters.

Seems like another issue with some GMs doing things thoroughly, whilst another doesn’t. Be it due to not knowing how, or electing not to.

Looks like a copy paste ticket response I also got

this is Gm N***,

when we receive reports we are always eager to investigate them and take actions because we want to keep World of Warcraft fun and relaxing, as you would like it to be as well, when playing :slight_smile:

To do so, we must receive a ticket through the improved report system, accessible via right-click on the player chat name or portrait. Doing this will automatically attach chat logs, ready to be investigated and penalized.

Due to privacy laws restrictions, we are unable to reveal which kind of penalty we apply to another account but trust we will take appropriate actions according to our internal penalty policy. That’s why the report system is in place.

At the moment I am investigating based on your report and if I can find the evidence I will act according to our policy.

Hopefully you won’t meet any other player like this one and will have a great rest of day with amazing adventures and good loot!

Gm N***
Blizzard Entertainment

5 days ago when I reported 3 profiles straight from Goldshire.

Yeah, another example of one GM saying one thing another saying another

IDK how they can reconcile this inconsistent moderation with the expectation of players to be proactive in reporting


Customer Service can (and does) action these reports from logs.

Addon logs are visible the Customer Service team, and inappropriate content within these character profiles should continue to be reported.



Thanks for the response.

What’s the story with the ticket response linked here:

Was this GM just incorrect in saying that there was no violation / that addons aren’t under Blizzard’s purvey? I’ve seen many ticket responses that are similar so I think there is a lot of confusion for GMs re. this

Also it would be sick if you could take a quick read above re. addons / trial accounts - I think it’s a very solid suggestion for lowering the abuses that will only inconvenience unpaid accounts / won’t require much in-game manpower


Seconded! Be nice if you guys could all get on the same page. getting wildly different response’s to the same problem from different Gm’s is not going to instil much confidence or make it clear what we should expect from them.


Despite the misunderstanding/confusion, without going into details, Crowton’s report was followed up on.

Please continue with these reports through Customer Support :slight_smile:


Alright, Stormforged poster.

I’ll honour yer request and continue with me judicial services.


While we can right click to report people for names and such, what about the various no-go zones? Say I walk through Trade District or Valley of Honor and we get a tag-along and we report them for griefing by jumping on us with a mount for the sole purpose of disrupting our RP, how do you GMs deal with that? There are no logs in that case.


Hey, gonna’ link this here and hoping it catches on + I believe this to be helpful to our community.


Why is it a requirement that people report - as an obvious example - the stuff at Goldshire? I’m almost certain that the GM team doesn’t need to be informed / already knows what the story is there

It feels like an arbitrary additional step of bureaucracy to get something that should have been solved about ten years ago looked at

On a different topic entirely, I’m compiling a list of AD/RP themed community discords to add the OP - here’s the ones I have so far
General AD Chat https://discord.gg/d5RHUde
Gnomes https://discord.gg/pNXqDD
Draenei https://discord.gg/YyKZW3z
Blood Elves https://discord.gg/WARSP4p
Goblins https://discord.gg/BUdCmJp
Stormwind https://discord.gg/bxhtbbq
Khaz Modan https://discord.gg/WTAAPqs
Elune Worshippers https://discord.gg/4MVex4J
Trolls https://discord.gg/Cfz8j9m
Orcs https://discord.gg/7q5wqpD

Let me know if you have some additions to this before I link it to the OP


Thank you so much for sharing the community servers, Perroy.

We’re making AD a better place already.

I also want to share a story with you guys.

The other day I saw someone with VERY blatant inappropiate content in the TRP Addon and after sending in the report (I attached screenshots to it), I actually got a positive response from a GM. They then not only said they’re investigating the issue, but they also told me players that get reported (yes, even for cases like this) either get: 1) a warning 2) a suspension and in severe cases 3) a ban.

I do think GMs are taking inappropiate Addon text, like in TRP or MRP, more serious these days. We have to stay active and …

… report ANY misconduct as much as possible!


That’s great news

Did you send in a ticket or a drop-down report? In my experience the former is way more effective but we’re always told to do the latter instead


It takes like 5 seconds of your time and if everyone does it many problems will get better quickly


At this point I think it would be cool if Blizzard just merged all the RP servers into one and focused on moderating that one space. Offer free transfers off for people who aren’t interested to similarly sized realms and really concentrate the RP community in one spot so it’s easier to keep track of / enforce the RP server policies.


That would be awesome!


Another community initiative on Argent Dawn for people to attend, by yours truly: