[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Fade. To. Black.

Job done, moving on…


Well, for me, I have a distinction in my mind between cybersex and ERP. I’ve always seen ERP as just roleplaying the tender side of a relationship between two characters, romance, love, sex yes but the whole package. Cybersex I see as well…putting your kinks into the game, and using that to get off, which I don’t really agree with.

I don’t see how ERP mimics real life sexual interactions considering the majority of ERPers are turbo virgins


Hahaha, Okay, that was funny and probably true to a large extent.

Same thing, both against TOS. Just fade to black or find a platform where it’s allowed and ideally not in my fantasy play setting. I want to cure the plague not STD’s thanks.


Let’s not get lost in semantics here. They are one and the same thing.


There is no distinction at all. That is just an attempt to normalise ERP by various green-coated house guild gamers

It’s pure cope


ERP is kinda whack tho, ngl.


No. It’s up to the rules you agree when joining this game.


Just ERP on another platform, i don’t personally care what you do in discord dms or whatever. just dont go around traumatising children and having big booby futa women in orgrimmar.



PCU has never done ERP witchhunts.

Now, now Perroy, no need to be like that just because someone has rattled your cage.

A witch hunting guild is a cool concept tho…

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Cope? Well, you’re entitled to these opinions. I can’t speak for others but thats how I look at it. I’ve never really gotten into ERP with the mindset of doing it because I was aroused. But I do enjoy the romance side of it ^^. - Also, yes I agree rules are rules. But until blizzard decide you can’t do stuff in private with whispers with someone else i’m not going to get my underwear in a twist over it, so to speak.

Honestly this. Knew a friend or two who got dragged into the stuff when he was young, messed that kid up. Just keep your ERP stuff elsewhere instead of in-game.

IDK what this post means but everyone is aware of that guild’s policy despite your posting and it is a pretty easy example of why ERP is maybe not the greatest theme to explore on this server

I think you can RP romance very easily without cybering


They did. The EULA, CoC and other things you agree to by using Blizzard :tm: services have said you cannot. Moving, once again, on…


First of all, yikes.

It’s on the community to self regulate.


I’m willing to admit that I could have a small form of bias, I was dragged in when younger but I wasn’t really traumatized to a larger degree because I grew up around young people having sex and doing drugs at around 12-14 years old. So Its possible that has some push on my opinion.

Out of curiousity, that would apply to battle.net whispers as well right?