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Pretty much sums this all up. Why are you defending ERP when you are effectively a victim of it

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I don’t perceive myself as a victim. I don’t plan to act like one either, too much of that nowdays. I’m comfortable with how I am/feel/whatever else.

Yes. It does say PEGI 12 on the box. Why is this so hard to get for some people?


Policy, yes now let me see, for many years the policy has been that if you are caught ERPing in public you will be removed from the guild. It is pointless saying if you ERP in private you’ll get kicked because there is no way of proving it.

But if you don’t ERP with the lord in private you also get kicked.


Imo they should up the rating, maybe that’d fix some of these gripes, or at least protect any kids or adolescents, but probably not. I’ve never known anyone to actually care about the rating when it came to giving their kid a game.

Or just don’t do it in a game where children can be present


you say that, but-…

Your mind is not ready for either of those things when you’re so young and impressionable.

Yeah, it seems like it has and not for the better

Hello, 2020 here. You really need to keep up with the guild rules if you are going to throw them about on the forum.

We’ve had this conversation everytime you post in a thread.

I don’t know, not being bothered by sexual stuff is sort of freeing in a way. Besides, I was smart enough as a kid that I wasn’t interested in actually doing drugs or randomly having unprotected sex. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not about what they should or could though is it? It’s about the way things are right now. The game is 12+ and people should behave accordingly. Nothing more.

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Yes, I’m just as bored of it as you are.

The fact you need to specify only not having unprotected sex as a kid is pretty concerning


Then go away. We’re not here for you try and provoke trouble.

Don’t read too much into it, was merely a choice of words more than anything. I don’t really have an opinion on the ‘right age to have sex’ Never really think about it, I agree that kids shouldn’t obviously but I’ve never thought seriously but assigning an age where its ‘ok’. I’ve just gone by what I’ve been given in my country.

Easy fix. Get that need to do ERP? Go do a dungeon or some PvP instead. You save yourself all the trouble and have a good bit of fun while doing it!

I believe Perroy referenced the guild via vague-posting, therefore I’ll answer whether you lot like it or not. You don’t want to read my posts, put me on ignore and your problem is solved Pullo.

That explains a lot of your earlier takes on this thread.

The gyazo link is to the movie, you can tell by the link to the website as rotten tomatoes is for movies, actors etc. Not games. (Or atleast I’m pretty sure its not.) I find it fairly difficult to look up the pegi-12 rating without specifically putting in pegi rating, hence why i referenced to ESRB.