Impossible to do anything if they have 1-2 people more than you

The only ‘skill’ that matters in WM if making larger group, done. No need to play well, or be geared, because more people = more cc, so once I’m vs 2 or 3 I’m 100% guaranteed to die in stunlock, without even having chance to do anything in return.
Omg, so fun.

Well yeah that is wpvp, and 1v1s is just about stunlocking, what of it

Only for rogues, something that also needs to be FIXED

WPvP is not a duel.

Yeah but somebody with better gear should be able to do at least something vs 2-3 absolute trash tier noobs. Now it’s permastun and death. They literally just press all buttons at start and it works :smiley:

Ye, the gear debate is forever hehe :slight_smile:

Not really. I have killed many times 2 ppl with 30k-40k hp. Sometimes even 3. Fighting vs low geared ppl is so easy.

If they don’t have stuns ready it’s possible, otherwise 0 chance (yeah I can survive while defensives last and while I have trinket, so I have just several seconds to kill some of them or it’s over).

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