Basically, the title, there are two of us, disc priest and fire mage, it is impossible to find a guild, and forming a pug sometimes takes 4 hours. Is this normal?
Edit: Concerns Cata Classic.
It is not. More looking to me like the game is semi-dead because of GDKP. Good players just do that
I’m sorry, but are you even playing Cata classic if that’s what you believe?
xD I was looking at the Classic Firemaw, not Cata Classic - sorry!
Unfortunately, I could only free transfer to that realm, and I guess its not that good since it is mostly GDKP. Feels like no one is interested in actually PLAYING this game. Sad, disc priest is so much more fun here than on retail
Does Blizzard has official statistic of realm population? would be handy since transfer realm is so pricey
This is not shared with the public. You’ll have to create a toon and check it out manually yourself or with 3rd party sites.
The guild recruitment section on the firemaw discord is beeing spammed heavily daily. Have you tried finding a guild?
Yes, in the looking for group section all the time for days. What is the link for discord server
Sounds like a “common sense” to me
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