Impossible to find group for dungeon

Im so tired of hearing about people complaining over PVP. SOD wasnt made with pvp in mind, and it shows.

Why wont they fix the problems with finding people to group with during the day? It cant be true that you can only go into dungeons after 16:00.

Everyone should have been set to auto join the LFG channel from the start, since 90% of players still dont know its there or how to join it. Why are they in local defense, would have been more usefull if they were in LFG from the start.

They really need to do something about this soon, maybe add dungeon finder with cross realm.

What dungeons? Level 50+ is fine and that you don’t find many groups for low level is pretty common in any classic version after 6 month. It’s P5 in SoD and most people play high level content. And 150XP boost is great catchup mechanic for a season, so you don’t need to play uldaman or ZF etc…

I mean you still can, but don’t expect people playing low level content at this stage of a season.

No offense, but bad idea.
P5 is still fresh and most players are focusing on ZG rep and PvP ranking after being done with coin farm.
I still find grps for all dungeons (low lvl to max) at most hours of the day on Living Flame though.

You do realize that most people do have jobs right? And that most people who have jobs do work office hours? So finding people before everyone gets home from work will be slightly harder than after people get home from work but its doable (how do I know? I have done it before).

Anyone who is interested enough probably have the builtin board addon installed and that one do automatically put you into a LFG channel.

RDF was the beginning of the end of the WORLD of warcraft, and also it might help your specific case a little but it will make people even worse when it comes to ninja looting and being horrible people.
And also if a autistic idiot (me) can find a group at basically any time with a little bit of leg work then anyone can find a group.

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I stand with my opinion. I would like them to add group finder for dungeons.

Some peoples have a job you know :joy:
of course there’s gonna be more people after work

Are you kidding?
There’ll be hardly someone who doesn’t know the LFG channel. They might have a reason to not join it.

Brother, the idea that 90% of people don’t know about LFG is so ridiculous it wasn’t even true in vanilla let alone now.

I never have problems finding a dungeon either as dps or healer, but it could be a server issue too of course so I don’t want to dismiss it.

Get bulletin addon if you don’t yet have it. Start your own groups from time to time. People don’t want to be party leaders, me included but every now and then I do when things are sluggish.

And just to make it simple, You will find no friend to group finder on these forums.

There is so much you need to do now so fewer people have time to join a random pug that can take the double time to clear a dungeon.
Trye to start your own group and trye to find people who also needs pugs