Impossible to play PvP in TWW!

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft for 20 years, and this season, despite playing around 10 hours a day and experimenting with all classes, I’m stuck at 2k1. My brother, who is at 2k4, is facing the same teams repeatedly. Once you hit around 2k3, you start facing R1s and players with extremely high skill, which makes it feel almost impossible for average to very good players to reach Gladiator in 3v3. PvP feels dead right now.

It would be great if they added the Gladiator title and rewards to Solo Shuffle, or at least gave players the option to earn more prestigious rewards through it. That would revive PvP and offer a path for players who might not have time or consistency for coordinated team play. Alternatively, separating high-experience players from average players could help create a better, more fair matchmaking experience.

Currently, the matchmaking system makes it feel like casual players are just being pushed into unreasonably difficult situations, and it’s hard to find enjoyment in the game anymore. Changes like these could help bring back a more rewarding and engaging experience for everyone.


O.o I miss being young again when I read this kind of stuff

  1. Not until they fix healer mmr
  2. Different rewards would be nice to different between brackets and give people reasons to play more than 1 bracket.

For example at the moment people just speed run BGB for the 2,4 rewards and same would happen to whatever bracket its the most easy one. Different rewards would still push people to play the ´´harder´´ brackets.

Really feels like casual player wont play past 1,8 as its just not worth the time spend at this point when other brackets give out the rewards easier anyway. In statistics you see extrem drop off at 1,6 / 1,8 / 2,1

Same here three sessions a week for 4 hours. Hardstuck ~2050cr on multiple chars and combs.

To few people currently playing.

On the other side the glad mount is ugly as hell so not a biggy to miss it.

try again last few weeks of the season

Season hit its biggest dead spot, i also cba too Q

Nothing too gain, people have spam Q and hit there goals or gave up

Only a view are left and you have too wait until the season end for change

not trying to be mean but having 1k rounds as BM and stucking around 2.1k in SHUFFLE doesnt make you a very good player.

i agree that they have to inflate ratings in 3s and shuffle and make glad accessible to more players but nobody is preventing you from getting 2.4+ in shuffle right now. People at 2.1k play far from perfect in shuffle.

everything else you said i agree

Yes at this point they should put glad title to all brackets 2s rbg solo blitz arena etc no one care about mount aniway its just no sense how they put such a bad mount cuz m+complain pvp recive good mounts lul and somehow blizz listen their stupid feedback incredible

There just arent enough people playing the game.

People talk about “not enough incentives to play”, but even during earlier expansions when you didnt have incentives above X rating, arena was still filled with people.

PvP in the current form just isnt enticing for new players. And i dont blame them, when you see whats going on in a single game…

That’s been the case since SL s4, thought you woulda noticed earlier

(post deleted by author)

1.5-1.6 there is an infestation of glad alts humiliating pugs.

At higher rating streamers enjoy their time again by humilating random healers here and there … And they brag to it…

not really. you start at 1850+ mmr with new chars. There are no good players at 1500-1600. Hard to accept but its the truth