Impossible to play Tol Barad or WG as Horde

Been playing new pvp season for some days and its impossible to play Tol barad or wintergrasp as Horde. All battlegrounds are 80 ally vs 20 horde since the start, so it been turned into a 15/30 min wait until loose. Its sad a nice pvp activity like TB or WG is unplayable at the start of the pvp season. Wil blizz do something to fix this?

PD: sorry poor english xd

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Soooo. Whats the point of this thread?
People dont want to pvp on top of super low population in cata depsite of scam ā€˜population sitesā€™ faking pop numbers for their own bot farms.

Is not a population thing, its a queue bug, thats the point of the post

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well i play on a pvp serverā€¦ no pvp is going on or maybe im just targeting bots, because i donā€™t get attacked back

Nope. It is same as in Vanilla Classic, the majority rerolled for OP PvP racials. Back then it were Orcs and Forsaken, now- Humans. Doesnā€™t matter how large population would be, the effect is that we, the Alliance players, now play more AvA, than AvH due to many PvPers from Horde changing faction or rerolling to humans.

When I leveled alts under JJ buff, for achievement of 8th guild bank slot, I noticed how many low level players were saying pro Horde statements or having Horde like nicknames and most of characters were humans, with few night elf druids in between.

Yea it is a real struggle. I just started to farm bgs now after hiting lvl 85 on my horde character. I have won one battleground the last 24 hours.
I dont think it is my gear that is all blue and crap. It must be that Alliance players are much better? It will take me five times longer to get full epic pvp gear if i am not winning bgs. I think this will have a big effect on the horde pvp scene. Like if it is going to take five times the time in order to get in to the arena, i donā€™t see how horde will make the effort to farm honor on the horde side. I rarely see someone in /4 asking about pvp on the Gehennas server either. Are there an active pvp horde server at all?

Whelp, your faction enjoyed PvP advantage on BGs in TBC and half of the Wrath. If Blizzard are true to source material the human racial nerf would come only somewhere in WoD Classic.

So. This struggle will go on until Warlords of Draenor classic expansion?
Thing is that i only play for the PvP. And if my gametime is going to be a struggle in battlegrounds and finding PvP players for arena and rbg i must be some kind of autistic maniac to continue this madness? And i am not even that good at the game.

I mean, sucks to be horde in TB, but dont act like you guys arent enjoying WG with 10-15stacks. Sure, you lose, but farming honor isnt an issue in cata anyway

It takes five times longer to farm honor as horde.

For the first time in my life actually thinking about changing faction to alliance. Playing Horde like this is just depressing. Whats it like playing pvp as alliance? Alot more fun? And what realm should I transfer to if I change? Then I need a faction change and a server change right? Will be damn expensive but might be worth it in the long run.

iā€™m up against alliance half the time if not more, besides the racials factions donā€™t matter in battlegrounds.
besides the weekly valor farm i only do bgs and itā€™s depressing alright, i have never seen such trash matchmaking in my 19 years of wow, most of the 40mans start without a tank, most of the 10mans start with 4-5 healers AND A TANK, mages/warlocks need to be told to make a table/healthstones (and not even then), on top of people being undergeared, clueless or not playing objective by choiceā€¦and i forgot to mention how most people just give up when they see cyrillic names on the other side cause ā€œpremadeā€ :laughing: second edit: honorable mention for the FARM BOYS (something i rarely see on the horde side)
you will have to change server too yeah because the AH on the other side will be empty

Farm boys are ppl mindlessly zerging at the farm in ab?

Getting my 3 toons to Firemaw for example would cost me more then 100 euroā€™s. Seriously contemplating it because i think this faction imbalance will remain in the classic versions still to come. Probably better to bite the bullit now.

I grudge given blizz 3 euro

If your that into pvp is there not better games out there that donā€™t rely on a company maintaining balance/having a decent match making program?

Throwing money at blizz wont help imo

It just encourages them

100 euro could get you an awesome new game or you can pay to play a game you already bought and pay a sub for(maybe) ā€¦ just to be able to play it better than you are all ready are?

Does that not sound mental?

I need to buy shares in this this, people will pay/buy anything wow related

Please dude buy something else (not that dino mount)! :upside_down_face:

Something nice none blizz related

[my last two](

I returned to wow 2 weeks ago (yes i bought lvl 80 boostā€¦) I did play horde and then i swapped to alliance. In half a day i won as many random BGs as i did in three days as horde. I feel your painā€¦
I rerolled alliance because i have a friend on that side.

All PVP players are alliance now? But that wouldnā€™t be for the racial advantages right!!!

All we heard in the start of the game was people not chosing horde because of the racials (as those really werenā€™t that a big deal yo!) but because of they liked the LORE, the OVERALL DESIGN OF CLASSES, the more BEAUTIFUL HORDE CITIES, and also the horde had much better CASTING ANIMATIONS.

I never believed that, and people just wanted the best racials imo. Does it turn out I am right after all this time???


i am alliance because my chars go back to the first classic release when i followed some friends and cbaā€™d to level from 1 at normal rates -and broke- when i returned alone for cata, female Tauren forever.
on topic now, if you want to just pvp, WG is insufferable even as alliance, even if we win most games, because of the buff they are getting cause itā€™s 120vs20 :laughing:

well, good pvp players play on alliance, so horde pvp sucks, thatā€™s why i also started leveling up alliance characters to play bgs on firemaw. Fed up playing with completely clueless horde players

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