Impossible to recruit followers in the garrison Inn

if you want to specify particular trait, ie leatherworking - LUA error and tab with traits is not working.It’s only OK if you want pick ability.(all addons are off)

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i found three more bugs since 11.0 regarding the Garrison:

1: the hearthstone is not working anymore if you try to use it inside your garrison, for example in the mine or the garden.

2: the amperial constructs (ghosthouse/magetower) are not teleporting you anymore. either nothing happens like with the hearthstone, or you get a disconnect.

(solved)3: the Garrison Report Tab (Minimap button) does not show garrisonressources anymore. *EDIT: now also works with newst version of Master Plan

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yes, it seems there are more new problems in the garrison, I hope they will fix it but I guess ie not working Warbank is higher priority now :slight_smile:

Update :

I’ve installed new version of Master Plan addon and it’s working now.But if I turn Master Plan off, it still doesn’t work w/o this addon.

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