Impossible to storm Stormwind

So, we had a planned snap raid on Stormwind last evening… Needless to say, it went horrible.

We would be fine if it wasn’t for the massive latency everyone was feeling and complaining about. Actions took 4 seconds to manifest so we rapidly died to Alliance since they were on their home ground.

Seems the servers can’t handle massive PVP. Anyone else with this experience?.. Or was it just unfortunate bad timing on the side of the servers?.. Or are Blizz’s servers just not up to the task.


Nah WoW can’t handle large WPvP. I prefer 25 max in my raid and hope cap city has not too many enemies for (hopefully) a few hours. Lag is acceptable if those sorts of numbers. But then usually 40+ enemies show up and lag us to death. Reset and start again when they leave!

Think alot of the lag being caused currently is by passive effects given how many players are running around now with abilities which can proc off abilities on allies, enemies…yourself. That times at least 50+ not counting the number of npcs players will aggro, it does turn into quite the clown fiesta sadly yeah. Partially likely Blizzard’s servers dying too given big cities like Stormwind, at least on Argent dawn for reference is the main hub and warmode/non warmode shares the Stormwind here so it gets really laggy during peak hours.

That’s a massive shame considering… You know, “World of Warcraft”, where occupying regions used to be a big part of the game, and storming Stormwind used to be an achievement.

It’s been put into the background as of late. Kind of miss it.

Need like a really cut down mode in WoW for mass WPvP, like you have 3 spells or something to stop the lag.

i call this years ago and NO ONE WAS listening to me i even made a video,We got a blue response and it went on MMO champion and nothing changed they called World PvP not important to the game. The spells cannot handle the game aswell as the phasing from other servers people joining from other realms messed it up. We tested it out in Tol barad which did not have any phasing it was the own server meaning if you was on another realm you couldnt merge into another realms Tol barad. This turned out to be much better and this was a 40v40 battle.

Ye, the best part about this “home ground” is when you get killed, you ressurect at graveyard in catedral square without flymount in ghost. So you have to walk 10 min across the city corridors to find your body…needles to say if you die on top of the towers and walls its rs for you. Horde can actjaly ress faster there.

Blizzard servers can not handle large scale PvP.
Battle for Azeroth made that clear. The Youtuber Rextroy 40 vs 40 showed that to the outside audience. Those that don’t play WoW. Think the only one that worked was 40 DH vs 40 DK. Everything else no dice.

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