Impossible with your honor limit!

Great guess I shouldn’t bother then game won’t let me

Remove these honor tresholds

I wait for AV weekend gotta pick one char to get honor, get 77.5k and that’s about as much as I can do.

But even with that there is simply a limit how high I can rank. R8 to R8 60% requires a 110k threshold. Perhaps I can manage that, but after that it’s 142.5k no way I’ll ever do that. That’s double the time investment.

Bad design, fine for P1, 2 and 3 but needs a redesign asap


Yeah i dont know man… did pvp after work every day spamming AV 4-5 hours and managed to get 280k pretty easy.

if they finally remove the limit we could play 2-3 different class instead of farming with the same class during whole week/month

i’m stuck playing paladin right now, and i hate that situation

You call spam 4-5h every day “pretty easy” ? You are clearly lying to yourself :sweat_smile:

Well yes, 142k should be damn easy imo

Neither of you played in vanilla thats for sure :sweat_smile:

Yeah I did and that already wasn’t fun back then

AV weekend you can get 50-60k honor per hour

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got my rank11 with paladin tomorow.

i ain’t gonna sacrifice my lifetime for rank12-14 with 8hours a day in AV for 1month+ (for a single character)

byebye WoW, see you maybe for TBC FRESH

Hello my XboX


I remember seeing highest ranked guys running about in vanilla

Those guys must have had to devote their entire existence to pvp, always wondered if they actually enjoyed themselves or if it was just an extreme addictive reaction to a game.

Would they do it again? Or do you think they severely regret spending such extreme amounts of time just to maintain a rank?

I could never really take to pvp myself, always seemed messy to me

I think I would end up in a mental hospital if I had to try grind to highest lvl.

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Does unnecessary grindy and boring stuff.
Feels it is wasted time, still doesn’t stop.
Thinks it is a must have for the next 3 honor levels that are even worse to achieve.
Blames the game for this and quits playing.


It was pretty normal for those guys to nolife rank 14 then buy all the gear and stop pvping.

Would they do it again? Well considering how easy it is now without decay, sure.

They already phased the ranks to go along with the power of PVE gear, so why gatekeep by having to spend a stupid amount of time to grind honor.

If anything they should cap the honor gain so people can’t insta max rank with a new phase, that was the biggest issue really. It should be time spend over a couple of weeks just like you gain PVE gear.

So max 1 rank per week and allow any amount of honor to progress towards the next rank.

I think they did a quick and dirty “fix” to the honor system so that there is no loss of rank and removed the rank gained based on other peoples honor gain.

But they never looked back or revised it, this has been the same since day one and I don’t believe it’s balanced at all for these later phases.

Perhaps the BRM PVP event was the solution to fixes these last few ranks since it could in theory give so much honor. But BRM event failed and it’s basically dead. Usually just 1 side has a gank squad running around and as solo or small group you run into a 2 min ress timer in no time. Ress with 50% HP/Mana and GL getting back up before being ganked again.

I can raid H3 MC but I can’t get the necessary time together to get max rank? Doesn’t make sence.

You are right, the pvp gear is much weaker than current pve gear, it need to be buffed for the epic parts

no need to invest more time in it if nobody queue WSG and AB anyway at the end

i play on Era*, not SoD, but just logged right now on SoD and do /who WSG → /who AB → /who AV

Looooooooool it’s even more desert in SoD than Era (battlegrounds)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: