"Impossibly rare boar liver of pristine perfection" = genius!

Out of all the memory quests, this was in my opinion the most genius revisit to what was a quest that was notorious for how hard it was to find a boar with livers in back in the old Westfall.

First the way each time you take down a boar would give extra text about how that boar’s liver was not good enough or, wormy or that there was somehow no liver inside was making me chuckle most of the way.
Since this is a group activity everyone works for the same one drop so it is not that slow if there are enough people killing the boars.

But when the “impossibly rare boar liver of pristine perfection” actually drops… it is a giant piece of glowing meat that seems to ascent to heaven. I think it was a missed opportunity that there was no angelic chorus playing during its ascension.

Me and another player where laughing really hard due to that piece of perfect meat.

I raise my drink to cheer for the person/people behind this mini-quest.


Yes, awesome! Good memories. I used to always be sure to get the recipe, Goretusk Liver Pie. Then having to farm even more rare livers, and cook the pies. After that, I was so careful to ration the pies, and only eat them for special occasions/difficult mobs. So I would end up still finding a stack of pies in my bag at like lvl 30. :grin:

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I remember that quest it was so much fun

I managed to dig up a very old comic made about the original quest


That whole Westfall story was an absolute banger.

Someone did made a video about how well the Elwyinn forest + Westfall + Redridge + Duskwood made for a great worldbuilding adventure with a combined narrative (which eventually leads to Oxyxia’s schemes).


Oh yeah, I remember doing it over and over again with different characters. It was such a well done and memorable experience.

The event has more such “easter eggs”. In the same zone where you gather the pages, the mini-event is called “Green Hills Zone”, a reference to the most iconic stage of Sonic games.

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It’s more like the quest given in the Explorer’s League camp from Stranglethorn Vale where you had to collect the pages. The iconic camp where you would get corpse camped all day without letting you turn in the quest. :slight_smile:

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Actually, that´s more likely a coincidence and it´s a reference to the name of the original quest, “The Green Hills of Stranglethorn”, which is itself a spoof of Ernest Hemingway´s book “The Green Hills of Africa” :beers:

PS: Hemet Nesingwary is also an anagram for Ernest Hemingway, it still surprises me how many people haven´t noticed that 20 years later :wink:

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Guys, it was deliberate. They intentionally ommited the article “The” on the front, they intentionally used “Zone” instead of any other synonym they could have used and intentionally capitalized the word Zone as well. They could have named it “Memories of Green Hills” or something similar; the idea of naming it exactly like Green Hills Zone was on purpose.

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