Impressions on a new player 3 months in

Now, I might have missed something.

But you have the pre-order Shadowlands mount, the TBC dark portal pass mount, the Sapphire Skyblazer 6 months mount and the Alablaster store mount…

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Yes, my thoughts exactly.

Somehow, I can’t see someone who’s been playing for 3 months to be able to understand this game so in depth and analyze the transition between the old and new expansions in such detail.

You are definitely not a new player. And if you are, I assume you took most of your points from 3d party sources.

yeah were on sale thought they looked cool, im not against store mounts and you can still by the collectors edition

Fair enough, that’s quite an amount to spend on a game you’ve only played for 3 months.

it was three months, im not spending it on a nightsaber, i got a £200 gift card from work which you can spend stuff on, so i spent it.

I played GW2, FF14 and ESO and Im very disappointed with the direction that those modern mmo games took. They neglected every ascept of MMO’s which was making this genre unqiue and very interesting. These games are so boring and mmo aspect is sterilized there. 0 emotions in these games.

In WoW I finally feel like Im playing MMORPG.

If WoW will change someday and will be similar to 3 “mmorpg’s” listed above, then I’ll quit this genre definitely.


Also I don’t understand why would I play GW2 / FF14 / ESO for story which is poor there if I can play Baldurs Gate 3 or Divinity: Original Sin or other great co-op RPG’s with friends. And experience real RPG adventure.
If I play MMORPG then I want it to be MMORPG, not budget and restricted version of RPG.


Your work gave you a £200 battle net gift card?

Not net card you get cash uploaded on temp debit. There called Perx Cards.

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If ESO, FF14, WoW and GW2 were all to be launched tomorrow in their current states. WoW would be the 4th choice for a lot of people.

Really? People would pick game which can’t release expansion for 5 years now rather than WoW? Good joke.

Good review, but you lost my trust at very start, when you said - you played every other MMORPG for 16 years, but not WOW. Why would you dodge your kind of genre game which use to be the best game, for so long.

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While you have the right to have an opinion, no one has to agree with it. The game might have some downsides, and especially compared with newer mmo’s, but then if you don’t like it, you are free to leave. Wow will still remain one of the best if not the best mmo. For all the people talking about ff or other mmo’s being better they surely came back very fast for 9.1 despite talking about quitting the game. So I tend to ignore whoever says that ff is better than wow. I did played ff and the only thing that in my opinion is better than wow is the character customization and player housing. In rest I preffer wow in all the other aspects.

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Didnt have money, it requires a subscription. I was poor and when I got cash, I choose Gw2 originally since it didnt have a sub and i got cash spent a lot of time in BDO and lost a lot of money then I moved on to FF14. Also most was into rift, terra, neverwinter got worse and kind of died or required cash to succeed so im no stranger to korean mmos.

In their current states. Yes. They would.

But half of those games weren’t free?

okey, thats makes sense then.
WOW must be the most expensive game on market.
Good luck and tons of money for you mate :slight_smile:

im still quite young birthday is this Friday actually, i talked my parents into buying me gw2 since it was on sale, and I could play a decent mmo, and Neverwinter had gone downhill and so i longer needed to bounce from f2p games. Then I got into BDO signed with a guild were i made some of my best friends. it was i spend years of uni in instead coding coursework i should have been doing leaving that to the last minute. Spent too much of my retail pay check on that game. then got in FF14 in my last yr which was Stormblood. My entire childhood is the pursuit to find friends and have the isikai dream i guess cause i got bullied a lot and never really anything that interested me in the Scottish highlands. Moved to England did the degree there to get away from everyone, got head hunted by a blue chip graduate course and now I work ITR internal technical rep so i work with digital transformation, edge and cloud computing, servers, networking and other stuff and im good at it which makes me happy.

Well you dont need 3 months, you just need 1 week at max level to see how trash the game is now. Or even better , make an alt and delete the game in 2 days.


I agree with your analysis of mythic+. It feels like the gatekeeping is getting worse not better after they implemented the score officially. We’re at a point where pugging mythic+ is a cancerous experience for everyone involved and honestly at this time I’d say don’t bother unless you play with friends.

Hate to mention it…but that really, really, annoys some WoW players.

Yeah, that does rather suggest Blizz think they are going to get at least one roll-on…so 12 months on a sub, rather than six.

I prefer wow animations and characters over any other mmo I’ve played, Is it just me? The only complaint I have with wow is the no dye system. The Blizzard art team is amazing with what they do with such an old game. Only issue I have is how bad tier gear looked over last few expansions.