Impressions on a new player 3 months in

Testify!.. the ‘cartoon’ approach is pretty timeless… going for ‘realism’ tends to date a game fairly quickly, imho.


Indeed, also if a game is not trying to be realistic, it won’t be judged on realism.

Take PoE. Recent, so not dated, but already people are criticising the models for the way they look and move because the game is trying to be realistic and it’s actually a huge development task (and cost) to have a massive world but also human characters that pull off feeling and looking totally realistic.

Even big film CGI studios struggle to do it, what makes people think game devs will pull it off? A game deciding for a non realistic approach is absolutely sensible.

And yes, the dating argument also. Hyper realism ages like a knock off banana in most games and also demands big PC rigs to “keep up”.


He basically spent 3 months on the Forums and is regurgitating everything he read on there. It’s like getting a 1 page summary of a 600 page book.

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You know what the difference between the stores is that i noticed?

I checked the mounts and stuff there. Then looked at what i could farm on my own, in game.

And honestly? I’m ok with not getting a single shop mount. Because equal quality exists in the game. I can’t ride on a golden pikachu on the shop? Who cares? I’ll just grind a flying pig. Much more interesting and i don’t have to pay.

In wow however, There’s a drastic difference between shop quality and in game content quality.

Probably the only thing in the recent years that came CLOSE to shop quality, was the crab mount in BFA. It was unique. It was very well designed and it was available in game.

The rest, either have 50 recolours, or very poorly designed and nothing special about them.

Take a look at this season for example. The most unique shop mount, ever made, was added. While the mythic raid reward is a TBC mount with slightly more pixels and in black. The highest form of PVE achievement mount is a recoloured 14 year old mount. While the shop has this amazing new thing.

And you tell me, Why shouldn’t it be infuriating to see that?

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In FF there’s quite a big difference - with them selling multi-seat mounts on the shop and other stuff you can’t really get in game either. Tons of house stuff in there, as well.

I thought this as well, a lot of their criticisms are almost word-for-word identical to those regularly bandied around here in large excess of 3 months with almost identical appeals to “the older game” in the post as well, which is weird, because apparently OP has no experience of the older game if they’ve only been playing 3 months.

I mean, it’s possible, I won’t discount that, but something seems off. When I play a game, the first month is probably me just “doing it” and then i’ll formulate thoughts in the bit thereafter, for OP to experience all of that which they have in the 3 months, to some significant degree, and formulate these thoughts ex nihilo, doing this coming from a completely blank slate (ie no experience of the game whatsoever) just seems wierd to me.

Either they’ve played longer than 3 months or they went into the game with an idea of how it was based upon prior forum reading or something, but I don’t believe this is “purely from nothing in 3 months” because it doesn’t come across as someone without that prior. Not because I think WoW is perfect (i don’t) but yeah…

As said, possible, but I’m not seeing it myself. There’s also the stuff about the “spending a £200 gift card on various stuff for a game I just got into, I didn’t sub for the mounts” which comes across as very naïve way to spend that much money so flippantly, yet the tone of OP’s post suggests they’re approaching the game very shrewdly and critically and appraising it carefully. So the game was continuously being appraised carefully and the in-game shop brought up as a criticism yet OP spent a £200 gift card on a whim on said game? Seems weird to me.

Infuriating, possibly. I mean the mount in shop has a model you can’t get anywhere else, sure, that’s maddening.

You are aware the FF shop sells mounts that not only look completely different but have unique functionality to those you can earn in game right? So they literally allow you to get and do stuff from the shop that you cannot get in game.

WoW has never done that as far as I am aware beyond appearances. The flashy mounts perform exactly the same as the in-game ones. FF sells mounts in-store that can do things the in-game ones cannot, so in-game players are disadvantaged by not spending money.

And FF is a sub game as far as I am aware.

When will people realise, yes, we may take umbrage with WoW’s cash shop being what it is. But in the MMO arena at current, villifying it is like swearing at the polecat for pissing on your lawn whilst ignoring the lions currently tearing your house apart just for the sake of being angry at the polecat. Comparatively WoWs shop is tame.

People should stop trying to change the game to their own perspective how it should be. As many, even with the drop of subs still tons of people are in love with the game how it is.
We should all be glad not every game is the same, so we can pick what we actually prefer.
Customization has improved, but i would not like to change size for my dwarf cause then i would have picked a human or a gnome.
Either take the game as it is, or leave and play another mmo/mmorpg/rpg!
Cause all those changes you would like might seem “needed” for you, it would destroy the game for many others


I quite agree.

It comes down to Blizzard not putting enough effort into this game, and that has been a persistent issue since Cataclysm. The art and music team always delivers amazing work, but the content itself often feels lazy and low effort.

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So many ppl disagree with OP. Why? He has a lot of good points. I love WoW but it needs changes. Majority of the OP is correct.

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There is one thing you forgot in the OP. I have also tried all sorts of MMORPGs that appeared throughout the years, and there is one thing I can say with absolute certainty: the pvp in WoW is simply so much superior to any other MMORPG’s take on that aspect that it’s almost incomparable. Frankly, I found the pvp in every single MMORPG other than WoW that I tried to be a complete and total joke even compared to some of the worst pvp seasons in WoW.

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This is an interesting idea. I wonder if it would improve the experience of older content. It may be able to be done in a way that allowed for having some zones be a bit tougher than you are so you can choose to attempting more challenging areas.

Mostly because you’d have to recreate the game completely to get a lot of what they want - and you’d basically have to make the game into FF14 with a WoW skin?

It’s honestly a real shame that you waited so long to try WoW. You truly missed some glorious PC gamer times.

I think to give Exiles Reach a D- though is absolutely wild. I don’t think I can trust your other ratings based off of that alone.


Read half of it.

U chosed to start play wow in its dark age.

Hope u have fun!

especially when the blues only respond to pointless positive threads… instead of the stuff which actually matter.

I almost didn’t read the text, but from the fact that it took me 6s to scroll through this wall of text suggests that you didn’t like WoW at all, but tnx for trying to give feedback. Next time do shorter text.

But the difference is the games perception. FF aren’t putting those mounts on a pedestal as a peak achievement and a reward from what is the inherent gameplay in the WoW does with it’s cosmetics, where they’re one of the primary objectives in completing the end game.

I agree with OP on many points, and nothing will change until wow gets serious competition.

Only then will blizzard actively invest in wow. Until then, we’re stuck with a mediocre game sold at premium pricing.

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Yes WoW awards cosmetics by doing in game stuff, I’d disagree with your phrasing of “primary objectives”. I’ve played WoW since vanilla and whilst I see mount drops as cool, I’ve never considered it a purposeful part of my game in the way I’ve made my pursuit of gameplay about a mount. Even when I’ve arguably been bored in WoW, I levelled Alts rather than grind a mount out.

I know some people are collectors, but they do not make up a bulk of the game. WoWs collectibles are numerous but shallow, most people who play WoW are here because of how the gameplay is in some way or another or the content. Yes I’m generalising, but I’d go that far.

So no, I do not see “shop mounts” as anything except a new cosmetic item. I’d argue most look at them the same way. Some collectors may eye them with more purposeful intent sure.

Fact is in FF if I played, say, I’d be more inclined to buy a shop mount if it offers me some gameplay niche (I would in WoW were it the case too) so FF draws in both types, people whom collect and like skins, but also those after utility. People purely interested in WoWs gameplay will ignore the store entirely sans game service spends. It offers them nothing.

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