Improve the game's sound design by making its soundtrack persistent

Often when I fly around on my mount at a fast speed the music goes crazy and starts switching between 10 different tracks frequently.

I think Blizzard should make it so that, while you are mounted or until you hit a loading screen, the track that you’re currently listening to should play out in its entirety rather than get interrupted by the next one. Either that, or zones should have less fragmented soundtrack in general (not necessarily less of it though).

More sound channels would help.
Often sounds are skipped cause there’s either too much playing already, or the game can’t keep up.

Also more ambient noise related to the overall zone would be appreciated.
We have it in the Azure Span, where you can hear the giant trees creaking under the wind.
More of this, everywhere! Rushing sand sounds in the deserts, crackling snow sounds, the wind blowing.

Make this world feel more alive.

This has bothered me for years. There are both good and bad soundtracks here.
Sometimes i just stop so i can listen to the music before it changes. And when taking a flightpath you come across that good bit and before the bast part it changes to an opera singing murloc and kills the mood.

Atleast let the soundtrack play out before something else plays.