Improved Disrupt not working

Increases range to 15 yards.
Staring at a training dummy right now

Felblade also has a 15 yard range
I walk back so Felblade is just in range (15yards)

Can’t disrupt?

This is a bug?
What’s going on?

One of them is displaying incorrectly

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never noticed, it is actually 10 yards range, check spell info in spellbook or actionbars
and this is a bug that will never be fixed if they will not decide to redesign kick
immolation aura, felblade and felrush bugs are still there despite how many times i wrote useless bug reports

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Bit ridiculous ngl. Surprised it wasn’t picked up before, unless I just missed it and it got buried

wouldn’t mind betting it’s the talent not functioning as it should

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