Improved summoning stones for Dungeons/Raids

Since there is a large faction imbalance, having warmode on as alliance and trying to do a dungeon or raid creates problems which impact the gameplay experience in a negative way.

There are usually 10+ horde players at every dungeon stone and 20+ horde players at the Uldir stone at all times, which makes summoning allies to your location impossible with warmode on. I don't blame anyone for camping the stones, this is just how the faction imbalance looks at the moment with a much larger playerbase on the horde doing high-end content.

There are a few solutions to this:

1. Turn warmode off. This solution already exists in the game and it's basically what you are forced to do as alliance if you want to help with summoning people to the instance. It's not a great feeling when you are forced to turn off warmode each time you want to do a dungeon/raid and then having to enable it again after the dungeon/raid is completed. Most people will get tired of doing this very quickly and just leave warmode off forever since they can't be bothered to deal with this issue.

2. Make the area around the summoning stone a "Sanctuary". Basically a kind of protective area where no one can attack each other, sort of like the neutral cities like Dalaran. While this would work in a gameplay perspective, it would create a sort of disbelief in the hostile world with these safe zones existing.

3. Put the summoning stone inside the actual instance. I read this idea somewhere and I like it. I thought about it and can't see any drawbacks with this solution. This is how you mainly summon people with warmode on as alliance anyways if you have a warlock, you put up a stone inside the dungeon so they cannot get killed on their way over to the instance.

1. How is it tiersome? Most of the time your in Boralus/SW before a raid/dungeon anyways and 90% of the time you HS back to Boralus/SW when your done.

Well tbh. most of the time WM Off people go summon and a mix between WM on/Off people can't summon. So moving the stones inside the dungeons seem most reasonable if you want a "safe system".
13/11/2018 17:58Posted by Ghimrizz
1. How is it tiersome? Most of the time your in Boralus/SW before a raid/dungeon anyways and 90% of the time you HS back to Boralus/SW when your done.

Well tbh. most of the time WM Off people go summon and a mix between WM on/Off people can't summon. So moving the stones inside the dungeons seem most reasonable if you want a "safe system".

Because if you don't remove warmode or forget to remove it, not only can you not help with summons, if you get summoned by your party members (which always will have warmode off otherwise they can't summon you) you will end up being summoned alone into a group of 10+ hordes instantly killing you before the loading screen have finished. That's not a great experience imo.

I still think putting the stone inside the dungeon is the best option.
Blizz added systems to help create conflict, good for WPvP. I guess this is one of them. Yeh... I have a lot of fun hanging around summoning stones :)

We need more conflict, not less, don't move our bait... I mean stone.
13/11/2018 18:27Posted by Vaëyn
Blizz added systems to help create conflict, good for WPvP. I guess this is one of them. Yeh... I have a lot of fun hanging around summoning stones :)

We need more conflict, not less, don't move our bait... I mean stone.

It actually promotes disabling warmode as alliance since it's such a disadvantage currently to not be able to use the summoning stone for your allies. So it does the complete opposite of what you want it to do.
With people camping out at raid entrances and dungeons, I can 100% agree with the op on having summoning stone areas as sanctuaries. I was waiting to do Freehold on my alliance alt and one of the players had warmode on and they kept getting ganked over and over. Finally the player just did not return.
13/11/2018 17:27Posted by Feva
which makes summoning allies to your location impossible with warmode on

I think I've found your problem. Set WM off.

13/11/2018 19:37Posted by Feva
It actually promotes disabling warmode as alliance since it's such a disadvantage currently to not be able to use the summoning stone for your allies.

If your intention is to be able to summon people to enter an instance right away, nobody is missing out if you turn it off. If you intend to form a raid to go PvP, form it elsewhere, like in any town, since you can portal to your capital of choice, take the portal(s) you want and then fly or take the boat. Distances are very short these days, and so are hearthstone cooldowns.

I don't understand your problem beyond the minor inconvenience of having to switch WM on and off (since most people set their HS to their faction capital anyway).

PS: Making sanctuaries around summoning stones would make world PvP in their proximity ridiculous
OP is right.

I play Horde, so I am unaffected. I just leave Warmode on, and leave it on, without issue.

I couldn't care less about wPvP, its crap. I originally had warmode off, but it became apparent I could not summon or be summoned, because every horde has it enabled, so I just turned it on as well.

I can see where it sucks for alliance. I think you just have to play with warmode off, unfortunately.

In end effect, Blizzard is giving the Horde 10% bonus.

Certainly, I don't do anything to contribute to this bonus, just given to me without issue or ramifications.
As a side note, I love PvP, in bgs and arena.

But, wpvp has been garbage since, dare I saw vanilla??
14/11/2018 07:05Posted by Kyph
13/11/2018 17:27Posted by Feva
which makes summoning allies to your location impossible with warmode on

I think I've found your problem. Set WM off.

13/11/2018 19:37Posted by Feva
It actually promotes disabling warmode as alliance since it's such a disadvantage currently to not be able to use the summoning stone for your allies.

If your intention is to be able to summon people to enter an instance right away, nobody is missing out if you turn it off. If you intend to form a raid to go PvP, form it elsewhere, like in any town, since you can portal to your capital of choice, take the portal(s) you want and then fly or take the boat. Distances are very short these days, and so are hearthstone cooldowns.

I don't understand your problem beyond the minor inconvenience of having to switch WM on and off (since most people set their HS to their faction capital anyway).

PS: Making sanctuaries around summoning stones would make world PvP in their proximity ridiculous

The problem with the whole thing, is that if you play horde you don't have to go through this procedure with turning WM off everytime you want to do a dungeon or raid, you can have it on forever and you won't even notice the difference since there are no alliance to be found at the summoning stones ever.

Infact if you play horde, you are told to turn WM on so you can help summon others since every horde (even if they don't pvp at all) has WM on.

The solution right now as alliance is to turn WM off yes, but what this does in the end is that alliance players that PvE everyday(me) just leaves it off forever because they can't be bothered to deal with the hassle, and alliance that wants to do warmode gets less players on their side overall. If you ever forget to turn WM off before you go to the dungeon or raid as alliance, you cannot help summon players and you will probably die a few times aswell before you can enter the instance.

Realizing that you forgot to set WM to off when you are close to the instance, hs:ing back to Boralus, going to stormwind and back to Boralus and then again taking the flight all the way back to summon people is not a good gameplay experience. It happens more often than you think aswell when you do PvE everyday.

Everyone loses with the current solution to turn WM off, so I'm suggesting a very easy solution to fix the problem. Move the stones inside the dungeon/raid and the problem is basically gone.
Nah, pls leave em outside - it's good to inconvenience the 10%ers.

They have been outside all this time, if it was considered a problem by Blizz they would have changed it years ago. It's good to suggest ideas, but I doubt the stones will move. If they do, it's a conflict system removed... when we need more! Lookin forward to the PvP towers, hope they are for sure happening!

Doesn't matter if some Alliance turn off WM, there's always plenty of allies for WPvP.