Improvements to Fluid Form

Hey, I would like to give some feedback on this Alpha Druid talent. First of all I and many others feel like it’s a bit too inacceasible to Feral and Guardian, so swapping it’s placement with Forestwalk would probably improve the tree.
Secondly, I have no way to know if it already works this way because I don’t have Alpha access, but I hope it works similiarly to other “shifts you into x form” spells where you can use one of the included spells instantly without a GCD after you shapeshift, because that could save many keybinds.
Lastly I think the talent should have a second functionality. While it’s selected I feel like Thrash and Swipe should be seperated into 2 different abilities each. If we had a Swipe (Cat) and a Swipe (Bear) while it’s active it would feel much better for a Druid of the Claw Guardian, and especially Feral, because it could let us use our Ursine Potential proc on Swipe without incuring a GCD on shifting, and if Brutal Slash is talented a charge is not wasted on using that proc up.