Hello all, coming up at the end of February is an event lead by me and a team of other DMs, taking place in Duskwood. The theme of the event is an undead attack in Duskwood, both the druids of the Twilight Grove and the townspeople of Darkshire will be under attack, and need heroes like you to defend them! The event will begin at 8pm realm time on Argent Dawn EU, 28th of Feb, the story will last for four days will events each night, and will end on Monday the 2nd of March. For further information, check out the event’s Argent Archives page, and you will find the link to our discord there too!
The discord is very useful to us DMs to assigning people to groups, the more people that join the discord and are assigned to groups the easier it’ll be to get things to run smoothly at the beginning of the event, the more people that haven’t been assigned to groups on the day, the longer it will take to start.