In Development: Guardians of the Dream

the list of which dungeons arent horrible would be shorter

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Everbloom seems extremely fun. Dawn is also fun, but I’ve farmed it so many times now, I’m a little tired of it. Waycrest Manor is the only one that I don’t like

for which spec? because druid getting their own legendary means half of them miss out, would have to be a polearm for feral/guardian but then you’d just have people complaining that resto/boomkin got left out. yea, axe might turn out to be a agility weapon, who knows…would be funny seeing 2h shaman make a return ngl.

This Raid includes nine bosses, including a Dragonriding encounter

This is my personal nightmare. Not looking forward to that in the slightest.

Also, a new mount—the Faerie Dragon

This however makes me happy. Finally a good looking dragon riding mount.

Aurostor the Hibernating has been awoken from a deep slumber, and defenders must join forces to fight to put him back to sleep again

This is a nice twist on the old ‘kill the world boss’.

but you don’t raid.

I do LFR. In fact, this season I’ve done more LFR than I’ve done in the last 4 years.
Not because I like it, but because they’ve put wyrm crests behind it. :worried:

They might remove the dragonriding and make you t-pose between phases.

Almost funny if it wasn’t such a blatant insult.

If you took it as an insult that your problem. I found the mental imagine of 25 players t-posing across a map kinda funny.

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None of them really appeal at 20+

Be patient
In time we will

No. You obviously meant it as such. You don’t say disparaging remarks about something otherwise.

Not that I’m personally offended. I just find it in poor taste and I’m kinda sick of people riffing on content they deem ‘easy’.


There will probably be some corrupted or evil druid in there though…
But yeah… Legendaries usually drop from ‘the main boss’. So the weapon does make sense in that regard.

You and me both.

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i’m dreading it but i’m also curious how everbloom is actually done since i’m so used to skipping most of it since it released.

you’ve stated multiple times that you don’t like to raid…how is stating what you’ve said in the past an insult…

also who said it was easy, raz is still a nightmare on lfr to this day.

They’ve long had an invisible wall for the biggest skip (more or less opposite the entrance).

Unless you meant just skirting through pulling as little as possible. I’m sure there will be optimal routes as per usual.

Yea, mainly that and the spider boss that doesn’t really get killed.

Has nothing to do with me or what I said in the past.
Look… Nevermind. This is not worth getting into a discussion over (yeah, I know… too late for that). Let’s just let it rest.

look, at the end of the day I made a joke and you decided to get offended. you’ve made plenty of posts in the past where you complain and joke about m+, raid, pvp and ‘‘challenging content’’ so even if I was poking fun at LFR you’re the last person who gets to complain about it.

but yea, not worth discussing it.

Hipe increased to 1000%.
No but seriously: New Druid Forms?! Grotto Netherwind Drake customisations?!?
This patch Looks Awesome already, Can’t wait!

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