In game proposal :)

Indeed yay times infinity for team love :heart_decoration:
Thanks for your help, you can if you want to post it in there, since I couldn´t make it work :frowning: The more of us the marrier :smiley:


Oh, I am used to this type of behavior and comments so no worries, thanks for the support :heart:


Awesome idea, really sweet, so if I can I’ll be there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey there :slight_smile:
I thought about it and flew around quite some, to all the starting zones but tbh we both like Ogrimmar best and I think that this particular spot up on the stones - when looking at the map of Ogrimmar, just above the “The” from “The Valley of Strength” - would be perfect, because it is also reachable via foot, not mount only :smiley:


Hey there :smiley:
It will be Horde, you can make a lvl 1 char on Tarren Mill and we just meet up at the spot. I might even make a raid on another char of mine and then relog to my main to get him there :slight_smile: That way we will get rid of the phasing, since everybody will be phased and WM off for it on the same place!

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Thanks a lot for the help Ceranity, would love to have all of you as part of it :heart:
Check out my newest posts for the ideas :smiley:

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Woooow thanks so much for this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It looks amazeballs! :smiley: The only thing to be added is a question mark, which I guess takes 5 or so more people, but that´s not a bummer :slight_smile:
It might be awesome as you say for some people to make Vulperas for example and pick a number already so we can know what numbers are taken and that would keep the people count up… :thinking:

If anyone has a Discord that we could use for all the planning etc, that would be amazing… I have our own Disc and the guilds Disc, but he would notice that right away :thought_balloon:

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Just create a new temporary Discord server and don’t invite him :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for all the input Brigante :smiley:
I already answered some questions in the replies now, but let´s see if anyone can chirp in with a Discord Server, so we can write it down 2 times and plan furthermore…
I am soooo happy this might actually work out, was losing all hope… :heart:

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Oh, you can do that? :astonished:
Gotta look into it, biggest problem is that he is in home office damn it :laughing:! Thanks! :heart_eyes:

yes on the bottom left of Discord you click on the +

then on “create my own”

And you have a server!

Afterwards, on the top left you click on the server name, then on “invite people”

then on “edit invite link”

so you can set the invite link to never expire and everyone can join

and then you post the invite link here :slight_smile:

I can add it later! But if you (or anyone else) wants to try and make it better, here’s the data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mxfile host="" modified="2021-06-06T09:50:55.362Z" agent="5.0 (Windows)" etag="R4gVAWoIQw76yhsAghWT" version="14.7.2" type="device"><diagram id="geLOMoFKN9G8XmNXuDqM" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>

Sadly I can’t upload the XML file on this forum, but only paste the XML text :frowning:


Ok, here we go - link is: Discord :+1: :slight_smile: Join us :smiley:
Now I am going to put on it, what I did here, so everyone that wants to join, please join the server too :smiley: Thanks a bunch!
And you, Kyrel are just amazing, thank you for the amazing support… I have limited time to set up the irl thing AND the in game thing with jobs, kids, dogs, etc. so I am eternally grateful when I see someone like you, who wants to help out :heart_eyes:


regarding the question mark, if people create throwaway characters maybe we could form a question mark out of mage tables? (i have no idea when mages learn the table though :sweat_smile:) just a thought if we are short on people so maybe this might work.


Oooo or bon fires or something works too!


true, campfires from cooking, that would work as well. do we have anything that would work toy-wise that would help?


Will be back from work by then, so happy to roll a throwaway alt on TM Horde side to join in


Feasts work great for that. You can even rotate them based on the direction your character is facing. Only downside is that they only last 3 minutes.
That’s the only drawing I can share on here. For reasons…




If I’m not working, will try to help… rolling a Vulpera alt is not a problem.


don’t the campfires only last 2 minutes?