In login queue?

Is anyone else getting a queue on retail? I’m currently on 28 mins. What’s going on? Did I accidently try to log onto Classic?! :neutral_face:

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After the queue ends getting no servers are currently available :frowning:

Oh…I guess I will turn on the tv incase that happens then :woozy_face:

Edit: Yep getting the same message…Blizz?!

probably someone is bored at home and DDoSing them

been happening all week long this week


A log in queue in classis? :rofl: As if.

Gah…Baby has been awake for 3 hours finally asleep and now I still can’t play :sob:

Same. Got to the front of the queue then it said no servers avaialble.

Have a feeling the servers are going to be clobbered over the weekend.

Still unable to get in :sob:

its not game servers that are down .

authentication servers are clearly down

im stuck in que to launcher atm too. and just logged in .

Most likely, though seems like people jump on the bandwagon of bad servers.

There was past week, saw some whining about it on Twitter. And a blue response that they diddled with the servers to lessen the queue again.

Well I got in now. But it seems there was some big dc as there is no one else around while there was plenty of ppl before

It’s frustrating. Either the kids are bored and they DDOS and with the pandemic law enforcement cannot act on it, or the coding is poor and they crash at the smallest attempt.

I mean, wtf.

There were issues again this morning


This crap always happens now. Time for us get a new game instead of pay for this sh*te! Always same old problem that they can’t or won’t fix. They couldn’t fix a model airplane that comes with simple instructions. I hate them now and used to not mind them.

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