In regards to the recent campaign

Hello there!

First, allow me to say that I did not attend the recent campaign up in Northrend, and that I have nothing but great respect for those that go out of their way to create RP for the many denizens of our fair but often times volatile realm. I heard many good things about this particular campaign especially, until the very end which seemed to have left a bad taste with some people. Which brings us to the purpose of this thread:

I’d like to get to the bottom of what was GREAT about this campaign, but also want to hear feedback on what was not so great, and how it could hopefully be avoided in future campaigns. The point is not to stir up any drama (I know, maybe this is a very naive attempt) but rather to learn from this experience. So in order to do that, if you attended and would like to share your experience and constructive feedback, please, feel free to post down below.

However, in an effort to avoid drama, I’d like to ask that you only comment below once. Please write what you enjoyed about the campaign, what you didn’t enjoy, and finally how it could have been improved, in your mind. Again, Argent Dawn has enough drama-posts as is, and I’d like to keep this one as respectful and healthy as possible. Being a DM myself, I am very curious as to what people liked about the campaign, but also where things might have gone wrong, so it would be very nice to hear the thoughts of those of you that attended the campign :slight_smile:

In any case, feel free to post below, and thank you!


So you weren’t there, but you’re trying to have a say in the matter? :thinking:
Smells like Drama Pushing to me.

Then why make this one?


I missed yesterday’s thread.

It’s time for Aerilen, Captain of Silvermoon, to show his quality.


Another pointless sh!t post

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Do not trouble me with Aerilen. I know his uses, and they are few.


I wish the drama had never come to the forums. I wish none of this had happened.


I wish I was a little bit taller
Wish i was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala


What can men do against such reckless hate?


Not at all! As someone who might want to host a campaign in the future, I am geniunly curious as to what feedback can be had from this most recent one, so one might better learn. Perhaps the title is a bit too inviting, so I shall have it changed :slight_smile:


So do all who live to post in such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is who to upvote in the drama that is given us.


My tips are as follows: Have an organiser for both sides of the aisle to avoid feelings of bias. If you make a discord channel, make it so only GMs can post there. Don’t use scoring systems for any part of the campaign, unless you plan to use rolls. This allows you to avoid people becoming overly competitive.


No thank you! We don’t want any more transphobes, nude leakers or OOC schemers!


I know.
It’s all wrong
By rights we shouldn’t even be here.
But we are.
It’s like in the great campaigns Aerilen.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end.
Because how could the end be happy.
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much drama happened.
But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something.
Even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Aerilen, I do understand.
I know now.
RPers in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t.
Because they were holding on to something.


Not invite it to the next campaign, which is the actual result :slight_smile:


Check on the emotional maturity of certain Alliance players before campaigning against them.


Fixed it for you. Not out of spite, by the way, but because both sides had their own troublemakers.


Horde calls Alliance childish for causing drama and then goes in and ruin someones else thread who try to improve their campaign making…

Hypocrisy as usual.

Anyhow the only feedback that I found bad in the campaign was the 2-3 hours long sessions of RP-PVP without any progression really.

I would personally prefer shorter and more objective based fights. Lets say 30 minutes at this location then something happens and they’re forced to get to another location.


lol how do you ruin a thread? What, is it suddenly impossible to post here now and answer the OP

classic blues

As soon as an RPPvP campaign has any kind of scoring, points or any kind of system that decides a “winner” my interest hits rock bottom. Every time, without fail, the campaign will in some shape or form have to deal with people who will do everything they can to ‘win’, making the experience just unpleasant. Usually by purposefully disregarding the agreed rules, or fighting tooth or nail to explain why your side succeeded instead of failed, etc.

RP and PvP are already direct opposites (A co-operative activity VS a competitive activity). And trying to literally do RPPvP, as it’s described by the label, only ever ends in tears. You can have an RP campaign themed around the faction war, and uses in-game PvP to portray it, or you can do a PvP event themed around the faction war and use RP to supplement it. But if you try to do both at once, it never ends well.

The best campaigns I’ve been in had a pre-determined outcome and narrative, and focused more on offering people a chance to participate in that narrative rather than wrestle other players to decide if the ending will be red or blue. And because people were more focused on RPing than ‘winning’, it was often far more enjoyable as a result. Far fewer people ‘cheated’, far fewer people hurled accusations about cheating, far fewer people tried to argue who ‘won’ a battle, etc.

If you really want to ‘win’ and beat other players, actual PvP is there for you. If you want to integrate RP into that, RP out the result after a War Game with an enemy team or something. RP isn’t about winning or beating other players and never will be.


I’ve said this in every thread ever dating way back to tbc and beyond.

RPPvP doesn’t work in the way people want it to work.

They don’t mix well at all.

Just role-play with each other and role-play out the battles separately with easy rules to follow and nothing too stupid. Heck, just do full on PvP to decide the outcome of something, with fair numbers/etc.

Stupid, stupid stupid!