In support of MM no pet changes

Just wanted to give some feedback regarding the MM no pet changes.

I love this idea and many people do. Pets are tiresome and bothersome.

Don’t listen to the vocal minority, everyone I have spoken to thinks it is a great idea. Might actually play the class now.


I absolutely love the idea as it perfectly aligns with my playstyle and my class fantasy of being ONLY an archer. However, I strongly feel they should also maintain an option for players who enjoy having pets as MM, solo content, etc. This change feels like a significant shift.


I love it too

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Be aware this is Not what you are getting


Intresting how none of you who say you like it is saying it on a hunter

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Played hunter many times through the various iterations of wow and there has always been 1 thing that puts me off playing the class again. Pets.

Not all that surprising people in support of removing the pet from 1 hunter spec are posting on other classes is it? BM is there if you are so attached to pets and unable to do world content without an AI tank. It’s literally what the spec was built for.

But this is where you are wrong they are not removing the pet they are removing the ability to choose what pet you want.

It is because that shows you do not actually care about the class FYI MM right now will have less to do with pets then it will be in the next patch.
So literally the gameplay of hunter disproves your statement here.

Because Hunter as a class is not made to be without a pet you are just wrong here.

Based on this idea why the Heck are Healer specs doing dps at all?
They can just go dps spec if they want to solo right?

There are Die hard BM hunters there are Die hard MM hunters.
The first time i ever speced BM was to do the Mage tower

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In all essence they are removing the pet and making it a passive non interactable feature. This is perfect, I am happy to get spell buffs, abilities whatever without having to worry what mob it is attacking or if i need to think about healing it.

You’re not in the position to say whether some one cares about a class or not just based on the fact whether they are currently playing it. There have been many changes to hunter over the years that might be the true hunter experience for them personally. Pets are not integral to hunter as you wish to make it appear. Many people were drawn to the class for the ranged experience without magic, pets just happened to come along.

I disagree, there are many ranged hunter classes in many mmos that aren’t hampered with pets. I think you would find that most healers doing solo content would spec their according solo spec. There are those that won’t but all would agree it is suboptimal. You are also presuming that MM without a pet wouldn’t work solo, which I very much doubt.

I’m sorry to hear that your beloved spec is changing and can understand why you would dislike this as it is what you are used to. I think there are a many more people in favour of the changes as pets are mostly disliked by the community. Give BM another go or try MM without the pet?

Just been true for 20years my dude.
But do tell how it is not an integral part of the class at all.

Does not change that you have a pet being integral to the class.
infact you have more magic in the new version then you do with the current version in the game again you are showing that you do not play this much.

Irrelevant as that would mean blizzard would have to rework Hunter as a Class then you would start to even be able to talk about that.
When blizzard changes hunter from the ground up then we can talk.

No i am talking from experience on the PTR
And from playing MM for a long time.

Here, you do not understand why the community is complaining about pets, and it shows how little you think about it.
The reason people complain is because of the UTILITY that is on the pets.
Back in the past we used to have UTILITY on the hunter in a drop down menu on MM.
There is ZERO reason for this not to be the case AND have the option to have a pet if you want to have a pet or not.

I repeat the Utility of a hunter DO NOT need to be ON the pet as MM it can be in the spec buttons.

Your statement shows how little you actually understand why people complain about the pets for MM.

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Well it hasn’t as there have been multiple iterations of a petless hunter spec. Which funnily enough became the most popular when they came out. Besides no one is taking pets away from the class, just 1 spec.

See above, pets are not integral. Every class has an element of magic fantasy lore, but I could name a spell from most classes that is more magic focused than shooting a grenade at your target.

Whether you like it or not blizzard are already reworking the class because it is outdated and this is a good solution they have come up with, most likely from taking inspiration from other mmos! You’re not really in the commanding position here as the changes seem to be coming whether you like it or not.

Your view of hunter is obviously very biased and it is clear that any petless change made to MM would be scundered on you, so your opinion of the ptr is basically worthless as you are not approaching it from a neutral viewpoint.

Your last paragraph is basically nonsensical. If utility is your main gripe and you enjoy being a key that opens all doors then that is a separate issue easily resolved. You should concentrate on that, as it is not necessary to have a pet that does that. More likely you’re using this as a poor excuse to keep hold of your cheesy named pet, whose healthbar you have spent too long worrying about, that has distorted your brain to the degree that you are now unable to function when a very easy AI character attacks you without an AI assistance to take that pressure off.

some of your arguments are basically null and void by the phrase “Lone Wolf” which has now been in the game for a grand total of 10 years (6.0.1). Now, not being able to actually summon a pet to basically use as an MD dummy for certain content is indeed BS

PS. “The reason people complain is because of the UTILITY that is on the pets.” is just not true, it is a lot more true for MM specificly, but blaggies comment was “pets” not “Pets for MM” but u know deep down what peoples main complaints are about… Its pet AI my man… ITS MAINLY PET AI.

PPS. Hunter does not need to be completely reworked to have a petless spec. For MM it virtually has been for a very long time at this point, lets be real, BL is the only thing you would ever pull out your pet for ever since Tenacity utility has been granted through Lone Wolf.

Kind Regards, a hunter.

Nope you can not do solo content fully without a pet for MM there is not enough room to kite mobs and elites are often immune to the effect you need to use to keep kiting

Pet AI has nothing to do with Hunter specifics and is irrelevant as that is a problem for every single spec in the game that has pets or even guardians.

And we used to have BL as MM on a button separated from pets it was not on a pet.
There is ZERO reason to remove the ability to have pets for this to be a button on the hunter.

And there it shows how you do not understand How different Lone wolf and not being able to use pets at all is.
These are not even in the same planet on being similar to each other.

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This is factually just false and not true don’t lie.

This has never been true BM has always been the spec with a bigger niche of players who always play it.
The time MM became bigger was because they removed Ranged SV and made it Melee because in the past the group was split into MM and Survival.

You say this based on your personal bias while you literally do not understand the change that is happening.
MM is literally getting a pet (hawk) be part of their toolkit fully in everything in this rework MM is literally getting MORE pet focused then before you just have zero control.

Tell me you do not know what is going on without telling me you do not know what is going on.
One of the new talents is make your attacks magical. many things like that.
And that is with ignoring that both hero talents are magical.

Funfact they have NOT reworked the actual outdated part of the spec but you would not know this as i now do not even believe you play MM.

Oh and blizzard doing it is IRRELEVANT to this talk we are having here.

Oh says the person who is literally so biased that you do not even know what the changes are before defending the changes.
Sorry to tell it you are FAR more biased then i am.

I actually want a petless MM this change is NOT a petless change this is just removing the Hunter aspect of the pet and making MM always have a pet.
You are not gaining the things you need to actually be a petless spec this is where you are showing how you have no clue on what is actually happening.

Far more neutral then your viewpoint as you do not even play MM and i am sure you have not even tested MM on the PTR as you are saying things that are simply not true here.

MM hunters have asked for this for 10 FREAKING YEARS!!!
And blizzard has ignored it for all this time and yet NOW you are here thinking you know something.

90% of my pets do not have names.
It is interesting how you try to say things that are just straight up lies and try to say them as things that are happening.

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Don’t agree with anything you’ve said and not going to waste further time arguing with you as there is literally no point. You’ve got your opinion, I’ve got mine.

I just wanted to make this post to communicate to blizz that the petless changes are on point, don’t get caught up with the hate from the vocal minority and that I am very much looking forward to playing petless.

For sure because you do not actually know what blizzard is actually doing here.

How do you know you are not the vocal minority?
(i am not saying i am not in the vocal minority but you literally can not know if you are or i am.)
Oh and you are hating even going so far as to lie about things so think about it if you are the vocal minority.

Cool for you but you are not going to have this happen in the patch the eagle is still a pet you are just losing all the hunter out of the equation.
Sorry to tell you this but you are literally not going to get it the way you want it.

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Did u miss the “Now, not being able to actually summon a pet to basically use as an MD dummy for certain content is indeed BS” part of my post? Because u are basically just agreeing with me in all your responses. And again, pet AI being a general wow problem is the point, a lot of people go MM specificaly to play hunter and not have to deal with it.

Read the actual point next time, and stop over interpreting others statements in ways not clearly stated, something u seem to be doing over and over in this thread lol. You are either actually baiting, or incapable of reading subtext. I dont think anyone in this thread is ACTUALLY SAYING that being UNABLE to summon a pet IS GOOD, u just seem to somehow read it as such.

A lot? that is simply not true.

Ironically you are the one agreeing with me and yet you felt the need to reply to me trying to make a scene.

The guy i was talking to unironically is saying THIS!

If that was the point you would not be advocating for the change to be around making MM lose the ability to have a pet out you would be arguing For having better pet AI in the first place, maybe you should do that instead.

You should do this before butting in on someone else if you are going to be this butthurt about getting a reply.

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