In what world did we think MM needed buffs?

no words, is is not enough taking 60% of ur health in 1 global and its non interutable as well.


In world of dhclowns.


The vulpera has a point, your class should not exist.


Actually MM did not get buffed. Here is why; Sniper got 25% nerfed and aimed and rapid fire got buffed by only a few percent… Overall its a nerf to MM.

The spec people should cry the least about is MM, there are far worse specs like lock, rog, ww and dh.

in what world did we think double casters have to be that tanky?


MM hunter has no defence
and your moaning about the burst on a cast…

line of sight it, or just play the melee zugzug like you normally do

dh mind set is funny…

while we are here, lets talk about WW and DH and Ret doing 400k+ in melee range with no cast time…


While I don’t agree with mm dmg buff (they need defense not dmg)
I strongly agree with nerfing the zugzug press w and do unhealable dmg…

the funny thing is… the only melee class i play is DK… and dk is squishy beyond paper, its technically a " zugzug " class
i cant help but feel DH WW and Ret should be as squishy as a DK. they should all get the nerf hammer like we do as a dk player

so annoying that DK rework is for TWW and we gotta wait till then…

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True … I quit my dk long time ago simply because of the survival nerfs.
It’s not fun to be paper and it feels -NOTHING- like the DK class fantasy I used to enjoy so much.
Early DF survival was overtuned sure, but the 50% nerfs to key abilities was just absurd.

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plus the nerf from BFA that still in the game to death strike healing
and the nerf to armour rating in season 2

This got reverted at the end of SL s1 (or start of s2, don’t remember exactly).

But yea generally death strike isn’t allowed to heal for anything in pvp, they should just add a short cd to it at this point and make it a defensive instead.

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id rather they baked it into festerstrike , and made it heal slightly less
that way im not forced by GCD or runic power for a low pointless heal

like combine death strike with a builder, obliterate or festerstrike as an example

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Would be better that way for sure, but we don’t really want more of those toxic passive heals in this game, just look at warlocks and dhs.

haha meanwhile im dead instantly on fire mage even before the buffs.welcome to my world

Ret melee range ? , you mean 30 yard range ? Only wake of ashes has to come close… Everything else a ret can evaporate you from botsuwana… You need to play there also if you want to kite it :joy:


Of Warcraft

Ah yes, I wish FV and BoJ were 30 yard range just so you were right.
Rets arent weak but atleast make sure you give correct information.

devs screwed up with hunters, there was no reason to buff them more than it was before

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Current MM design is so awful its stuck in 2008 even with 50% more dmg buff to aimed and rapid fire wont make it good. Dont worry.

I watch mm on 2kmmr go 5-1 doing nothing but stand still and cast, 0 trap, 0 scatter, 0 fd, 0 disengage, 0 kick just stands does dmg and goes 5-1 against dh and mage in lobby. I was lucky to even get 3-3 out of that fiesta of a lobby. The mm got to 2050cr and about to ding 2.1 any moment now. If this doesnt seem free then idk what is. :joy: